[patch] asynchronous callouts

Joe Shaw joe at ximian.com
Tue Apr 20 13:50:37 PDT 2004

Ok, I've committed some of this:

On Tue, 2004-04-20 at 22:07 +0200, David Zeuthen wrote:
> Hi, I haven't been able to try the patch cause I've only got glib 2.2
> installed; that should probably be fixed in the patch :-). 

I fixed the GPid thing to just be an int.  Sorry about breaking the
build, I forgot about that change.

>  2. The properties exported to the environment should be reconstructed
>     just before each callout, as the subsequent callout may have
>     modified the properties (quite likely). It seems that all callouts
>     have the same environment?

This is fixed.

>  3. Calling waitpid during idletime may not be a good idea; I'd guess
>     it would hog the CPU? Why don't we just listen for SIGCHILD?

I remember now why I didn't do this originally: it's an incredible pain
in the ass. :)  The only safe way to do it is to set up a pipe and have
the SIGCHLD handler write to it and have the other end attached to the
main loop via g_io_watch_add(), since we could be interrupting anything
and breaking stuff.  Unfortunately, glib 2.4 has exactly what we want
for this. :)  I can take a look at it a little more tomorrow (I have to
go soon), but in the meantime I've changed the idle to a 250 ms timeout.
Yeah, it's a cop-out, but it doesn't peg the CPU.

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