[patch] wireless patch, take 2

Owen Fraser-Green owen at discobabe.net
Thu May 27 12:57:01 PDT 2004


> E.g., I do a hal_device_set_property() on a device's ESSID and then HAL
> goes out and tries to change the ESSID.  The property is changed iff HAL
> changes the property physically.

Yes, and if a GetProperty is called while the set is processing a better
solution than blocking as I suggested earlier could be to return
"undetermined" or something similar. As you say the HAL's property is
changed iff the physical property changes and this is when the signal is
emitted and GetProperty will be guaranteed to succeed (unless another
SetProperty is working).

Also, in correction to my previous mail there's no need for SetProperty
to return a bool on success, the SetProperty can still (I believe)
return an error message with the string upon failure. The client will
know of success when it receives PropertyChanged signal.


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