smbios.* values not being added

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Tue Sep 20 09:13:24 PDT 2005

I have a problem where my fedora rawhide box does not create the
smbios.* values.

Tracing through the probe-smbios.c code, I've found some possible
sources of errors:

1. The number of tabs output by dmidecode looks like it's changed since
updating from FC4 to rawhide. 

2005-06-17  Jean Delvare  <khali at>

	* dmidecode.c, dmiopt.c, dmiopt.h: Add option -q, --quiet. It
	  makes the output less verbose.
	* dmidecode.c: Suppress one level of indentation in the output,
	  insert blank lines between records. This will hopefully make
	  the output easier to read.
	* dmidecode.c: Hide table address and size when --type is used.

Also, the direct connection to hald isn't working. Not sure why, as I
don't know this code well.

The attached patch makes this work for me but should *not* be applied
until we have worked out what is going on.

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