method scripts language choice

Artem Kachitchkine Artem.Kachitchkin at Sun.COM
Tue Feb 14 11:31:09 PST 2006

I get this schizophrenic vibe about these scripts: they are not pretty, 
certainly not trivial, so the only reasons I can think of for using 
shell are:

1. allow admins tweak them; or
2. it's an interim solution, will be rewritten in C.

The former doesn't seem like a good administration interface - we want 
any customization to be done data-driven via gconf/whatever, not 

Another concern is that these scripts are on the line of attack. As far 
as I can tell, securing shell code secure is harder than C code and a 
few security experts I mentioned "shell scripts run as root by a daemon" 
to invariably go "Ewww".

What do you think, folks?


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