Link is up / Link is down HAL signals

Michal Krenek mikos at
Fri May 5 07:46:46 PDT 2006

Thanks, I didn't know about NetworkManager.
I have found it here:

But doesn't it depend on GNOME? Or is the core of NetworkManager 

Well, I have read more on that page and it looks like it is 
desktop-independent, but it also looks like huge overkill for my purposes. Why 
was support for LinkUp / LinkDown signals (or something like that) removed 
from HAL? If there were these signals, I could use ivman for my purposes 
(which I have already running) and I don't need another daemon 
(NetworkManager). In my opinion this is much better, after all NetworkManager 
also can use these signals from HAL.

Michal Krenek (Mikos)

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