Hardware recall data RFC

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 17:19:37 PST 2006

Request for comments for spec addition:

    <literal>info.is_recalled</literal> (bool)
    This is set if the hardware may be recalled and should
    be checked for any potential problem.
    <literal>info.recall.oem_vendor</literal> (string)
  <entry>dell, sony, hp, panasonic, etc.</entry>
  <entry>Yes, if <literal>info.is_recalled</literal> is TRUE</entry>
    The OEM vendor responsible for the hardware recall.
    The value should reflect the OEM vendor in lower case.
    <literal>info.recall.url</literal> (string)
  <entry>Yes, if <literal>info.is_recalled</literal> is TRUE</entry>
    Users should check this website for more details and if their
    hardware may affected by any possible fault.
    <literal>info.recall.description</literal> (string)
  <entry>VendorX Hardware Recall</entry>
  <entry>Yes, if <literal>info.is_recalled</literal> is TRUE</entry>
    The recall description, suitable to show in the UI.



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