[PATCH] fix bug in copy_property

Danny Kukawka danny.kukawka at web.de
Mon Nov 13 09:06:06 PST 2006


this patch fixed a bug with copy_property in FDI files if you try to copy a 
property from an other device. If you try:

  <merge key="baz" type="copy_property">@info.parent:info.vendor</merge>

The key get copied to the info.parent device instead of the currently 
processed device

The bug was, if I see this correct, introduced with commit 1ffd7638 by reuse a 
variable name for a temporary local variable.


 device_info.c |   12 ++++++------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-------------- next part --------------
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