Next CK release?

Michael Biebl mbiebl at
Tue Apr 3 10:09:31 PDT 2007

2007/4/3, William Jon McCann <mccann at>:
> Hi,
> On 4/3/07, Michael Biebl <mbiebl at> wrote:
> > Is there already a date for the next (0.2.1?) CK release?
> > Are there any not yet implemented new features that should go into the
> > next release or will it be a mostly bug fix only release?
> The feature that was blocking the release is now in git:
> Please test it if you can.  I'll shoot for a release tomorrow.

Sure, no problem.
Seems to work fine so far.
Only problem I noticed is, that using the pam_ck_connector module, always
lists the session as ACTIVE=FALSE, is-local = FALSE:

        uid = '1000'
        realname = 'Michael Biebl'
        seat = 'Seat2'
        session-type = ''
        active = FALSE
        x11-display = ''
        x11-display-device = ''
        display-device = '/dev/tty2'
        remote-host-name = ''
        is-local = FALSE
        on-since = '2007-04-03T16:58:40Z

even if I'm active on tty1.
gdm+X11 works as expected though:
Whenever I lock the screen, switch the user etc. the session is marked

Besides that, do you want me to test any specific functionality?


Would it be possible to preserve the state during consolekit upgrades/restarts?
consolekit could store it's state in /var/lib/ on stop and reevalute
it on start.

It's a bit unfortunate atm that I have to log out / log in each time
console-kit-daemon is restarted.
Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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