[PATCH] Don't fail if polkit-policy-file-validate is not found

Michael Biebl mbiebl at gmail.com
Sat Dec 1 08:47:47 PST 2007

2007/12/1, Michael Biebl <mbiebl at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> the configure check for polkit-policy-file-validate is not strictly
> necessary for successully compiling the package. It's only needed if
> you want to run "make check" or "make distcheck" (and as such mainly
> interesting for creating the dist tarball).
> The attached patch makes ./configure not fail, if the tool is not
> found, but instead print a big warning at the end of the configure
> run.

Hm, another possibility would be, to not run the checks in
policy/Makefile.am, when polkit-policy-file-validate is not found (but
print the warning message instead).
This way "make (dist)check" would pass, even when
polkit-policy-file-validate is not installed.
Please let me know, if you prefer this solution, so I can prepare a
patch for it.

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