PolicyKit releases and !AWOL

David Zeuthen david at fubar.dk
Thu Dec 6 17:01:12 PST 2007

On Fri, 2007-12-07 at 01:42 +0100, Marcel Holtmann wrote:
> you know that GLib has g_try_malloc and friends? These can be used to  
> detect OOM.

I do. That won't work for things like hash tables, lists and so forth.
Maybe glib can be fixed to return ENOMEM etc. but that isn't the case
just yet (I'll happily switch when that happens). Also see the
discussions on the X list a year or so ago.

> I haven't reviewed your libkit at all, but be careful with it. The  
> BlueZ project tried to avoid GLib and now we have eglib which is  
> basically a stripped down GLib. Starting with the next major version  
> number I am going back to GLib since the maintenance overhead of eglib  
> is too much. It started out very small and simple, but over time this  
> changed.

One goal of libkit is that it's an implementation detail that users of
libpolkit never sees; libpolkit never returns anything the user is
supposed to free (lists are returned through a visitor) except for class
instances that are normally have reference counting etc.

Seriously, I love glib. It's the best C library ever. It just doesn't do
what I want in this case (and of course the new polkitd uses glib; I'm
not crazy enough to write my own main loop).


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