How lshal gets informations?

Soren Hansen soren at
Fri Dec 7 04:11:06 PST 2007

On Fri, Dec 07, 2007 at 01:16:46PM +0100, Hannes Mayer wrote:
> I've the problem that i can't get all necessary informations out of my
> system.  When i start from a Ubuntu Live-CD i can get Informations
> like:
> But on my system i get no output of this informations.

You're not really providing a lot of information here.

On system X, you boot the Ubuntu live cd and get the expected results.
On system Y, you boot Z and don't get the expected results.

X = ?
Y = ?
Z = ?

Fill in the blanks, please.

Soren Hansen
Ubuntu Server Team
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