hal-info keymap entries for HP Compaq 6710b

Ville Skyttä ville.skytta at iki.fi
Sat Dec 29 13:58:17 PST 2007


Attached is a patch containing fdi keymap entries for special keys in HP 
Compaq 6710b laptops.  The ones marked with ??? are such that the keys do 
produce some events in syslog but there are no special labels on the keys nor 
does the manual mention them; I took mappings for those two from other HP 
models' entries.

For some reason, after applying these changes to 30-keymap-hp.fdi and 
restarting haldaemon (or rebooting), I still get the "Unknown key pressed" 
messages in syslog and xev doesn't react to all these keys.

This is Fedora 8 x86_64, KDE, hal-0.5.10-1.fc8.

$ lshal | grep keymap
  info.callouts.add = {'hal-setup-keymap'} (string list)
  info.capabilities = 
{'input', 'input.keyboard', 'input.keypad', 'input.keys', 'input.keymap', 'button'} 
(string list)
  input.keymap.data = 
{'e001:fn_esc', 'e008:presentation', 'e009:battery', 'e00a:screenlock', 'e033:f22', 'e059:info'} 
(string list)

$ lshal | grep system.*hardware
  system.hardware.primary_video.product = 10754  (0x2a02)  (int)
  system.hardware.primary_video.vendor = 32902  (0x8086)  (int)
  system.hardware.product = 'HP Compaq 6710b (GB892ET#AK8)'  (string)
  system.hardware.serial = '...'  (string)
  system.hardware.uuid = '...'  (string)
  system.hardware.vendor = 'Hewlett-Packard'  (string)
  system.hardware.version = 'F.0E'  (string)
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Name: hp6710b-keys.patch
Type: text/x-diff
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Url : http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/hal/attachments/20071229/e33e1cad/attachment.patch 

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