HAL and scanners

abel deuring adeuring at gmx.net
Thu Jan 4 11:18:39 PST 2007

Hi all,

David Zeuthen wrote:

>>2. For some scanners, more than one Sane backend exists.
> It's not super necessary to make the hal properties reflect that there
> is more than one backend; that can be delayed until the frontend using
> the SANE driver runs right?

One idea of HAL usage for scanners is to use the HAL data to find
the right backend(s) without the help of something like
sane_get_devices(). I am currently thinking about adding a new
"HAL-based" scheme for device strings for the sane_open() call,
something like

>>6. What information would be needed for parallel port scanners, and
>>for the IEEE-1394 interface in order to identify them?
> Parallel port (and serial port) support isn't really in HAL; for
> Firewire, I believe you can match on existing bus properties provided by
> HAL (though with krh's new firewire stack that might change a bit).

OK; let's put firewire and parport scanners aside for now


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