HAL and scanners

David Zeuthen david at fubar.dk
Mon Jan 8 09:15:19 PST 2007

On Thu, 2007-01-04 at 20:07 +0100, abel deuring wrote:
> OK. Eventually, the question, how many hardware details should be
> available to HAL and where this information is located, is anyway
> decided by the package maintainers of the various Linux
> distributions. Keeping the fdi file (or even better, only the
> generator script and some callouts) in Sane minimzes bureaucracy.
> Johannes Meixner (from Novell/Suse) came up on the Sane mailing list
> with the question, how conficts can be avoided, if we have more than
> one fdi file. For example, Epson distributes its own Sane backend.
> Any recommendations for fdi file names and locations in
> /usr/share/hal/fdi ?

Make sure the fdi files go in 


and have your project name included in the file name, e.g.

Then propose that SANE backends distributed not as part of the SANE
package uses a higher number, e.g. 90-epson-sane-scanners.fdi and then,
because fdi files are processed in order, 90 will be processed before
10. Would that work?

> From a different dicussion I understand that Étienne intends to keep
> the gnomescan API "open enough" to be able to integrate other
> low-level scanner APIs. So it might make sense to optionally add
> gnomescan. But this is a question we can leave to the Gnome developers.


> OK. There were some discussions, if a key like
> "scanner.is_supported" or "scanner.sane.sane.is_supported" makes
> sense; meanwhile I think that this is redundant: The namespace
> "scanner.sane" should only be populated, if a device is supported.
> Similary, scanner.api should only get the entry "sane", if a backend
> is available. So I'll drop the value "unsupported"
> scanner.sane.supportstatus.

Sounds OK to me.

> > That's just adding an entry to info.callouts.add that runs a program
> > where you can modify the properties you've already merged.
> OK; if some "equivalent" of "scanimage -L" is run, we'll get the
> "real" vendor/model information. In this case, only
> BTW: If such a callout exists, couldn't the vendor/model information
> for supported scanners be removed from the fdi file, or are there
> use cases for HAL, where this data could be used, when a specific
> device is not present? The fdi file has even today (without most
> SCSI scanners) a size of 300 kB...

So that would work too. Just make sure the call out only runs for the
USB ID's that you support; e.g. we don't want to run the SANE USB
scanner callout for _every_ USB device attached. That would make HAL
startup even slower.

Thanks for hacking on this!


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