[PATCH][RFC] cache generation + separate FDI parser process

Sergey Lapin slapinid at gmail.com
Tue Jan 9 12:31:28 PST 2007

> Not sure if this is currently the case, but in the past you could copy a new 
> fdi-file to the related directory, (re)plug the related hardware and the 
> fdi-file was read in (IIRC).
> The point is: if my both points not work, it's maybe acceptable for a embedded 
> device, but not for a normal desktop/laptop or a server (where HAL start need 
> several minutes or more as in the past).
It runs in less that 3 seconds on my current laptop. And surely not 
slower that original solution. You could test for yourself. You surely 
don't need minutes for that. At least this patch won't make hal startup 
slower on servers/desktops. And, also, yes, you need to restart hal in 
current git to re-read configs, and I don't see where it is bad.
In either case, notification mechanism could be provided for hald to 
reload cache when hald-cache finish run, which could remove need for 
restarting hald separately. This patch is proposed improvement, and it 
provides no regression with current git behaveour.


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