[patch] Fix hald-runner crash on sparc

Sjoerd Simons sjoerd at luon.net
Mon Jan 15 11:34:20 PST 2007


  Attached are two patches. The first fixes a crash caused by a sigBUS on
  sparc, while the second makes hal DIE as soon as it detects the connection
  to hald-runner is gone. 

  Ok to commit?

I am not an Economist.  I am an honest man!
		-- Paul McCracken
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Name: sparc_crash.patch
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Url : http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/hal/attachments/20070115/5267659f/sparc_crash-0001.bin
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Name: disconnected.patch
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Size: 815 bytes
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Url : http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/hal/attachments/20070115/5267659f/disconnected-0001.bin

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