Fix battery level on HP DV1000

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Fri Jul 20 06:51:47 PDT 2007

Sitting next to Rémi at GUADEC he showed me the output of the battery in
proc. The battery (or bios) does not export the current charge at all,
and the only usable metric to use is the voltage. I'm aware the voltage
will be non-linear and *heavily* offset, but is better than _no_ metric
in my opinion. The percentage will be heavily biased and the battery
might only last until 30-40%.

This is the same behavior to what windows XP does so I believe it must
"repair" the data in the same way.

The profiling code in gnome-power-manager will also make the non-linear
metric linear, making the time remaining accurate, and thus better than
Windows XP.

Please review,


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