problems with HAL and input devices

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Thu Jul 26 11:10:45 PDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-07-26 at 14:07 -0400, David Zeuthen wrote:
> > I think we also need the attached patch - it seems to fix it for me
> but
> > stopping the prober being run for raw input devices.
> Can you explain why this patch is needed? Thanks.

Well, the input device is recognized as a switch, so the prober is run
to check if it is a switch. It returns false, as it isn't a switch, and
the device is removed (due to the prober fail).

We know any input device is not a switch and so we don't have to run the
prober. If the prober isn't run, then it doesn't fail, and the device is
not removed.


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