UWB Addon

Marcel Holtmann marcel at holtmann.org
Fri Jun 29 11:38:13 PDT 2007

Hi Claudio,

> Here is the initial proposal for UWB Addon support. It is just the
> skeleton, the D-Bus methods are not implemented yet.
> This patch requires the Addon singleton patchset.
> Comments/Suggestions?

first of all, I think we need to separate it into two patches. One that
populates the device paths with information from the kernel. Another one
that contains the addon. Actually I think we should start developing the
addon as a separate module. The UWB addon (as also a future addon for
Bluetooth) might get quite big and can be developed faster in an outside

Besides that, we have to find some better naming. the name "Beacon"
should not be used in a public API. The term beaconing is part of low
level radio specification. Terms like visible or something similar are
much better. We have to design the API methods with the application
tasks in mind.



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