[PATCH] change usb*.version_bcd/usb*.speed_bcd to new double keys

David Zeuthen david at fubar.dk
Tue Mar 20 17:50:42 PDT 2007

On Wed, 2007-03-07 at 15:08 +0100, Danny Kukawka wrote:
> Hi,
> this patch add two new keys which store and display the version and 
> the speed of a USB device as double values and not in BCD. IMO this
> looks better in lshal and should also be easier to handle by 
> applications which consume this information. 
> I would set the old usb*.*_bcd properties if they are not really 
> needed to deprecated.

Sure, we can mark them as deprecated... One thing I noticed

> +                <literal>usb_device.version</literal> (int)

Should be s/int/double/. Go ahead. Thanks.


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