Mount on remote desktop

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Fri May 9 03:27:19 PDT 2008

Am Freitag, den 09.05.2008, 09:16 +0200 schrieb Johann Glaser:
> Unfortunately there are two threads here for our task.
> 1) notify the server that a media is inserted into the client
> 2) remotely access the media
> While we have several possible solutions (each with its pros and cons) for 2) (e.g. sshfs, nfs, smbfs, nbd), I ask you to give me some information for problem 1).
did you have a look at ltspfs from ltsp 4.2 (dont try the version for
ltsp5, it operates on top of a ssh tunnel attached to the ltsp login
manager which you indeed dont have with xdmcp) that used to provide
exactly this ... sshfs will give you problems with a missing statfs call
so the FS size cant be determined properly which causes issues with some
apps. the nfs and smbfs vaiants are pretty overkill for small devices
imho ....
> Currently we do it the following way, but that has major drawbacks. On the clients a permanent nbd-server is running and offers a certain predefined device via the network. The user can click an icon on his desktop which tries to connect to the nbd-server (at the client) from the server and then mount this. Due to the predefined device (e.g. /dev/sda4), only a few appropriately formatted USB sticks are working. There are others which are formatted differently (e.g. two partitions, only one big device without partitions, ...) and these don't work.
> To solve this problem we hope to get a remote notification to tell the server _which_ partitions are available on the inserted media.
> Is this all possible with HAL, D-Bus, udev and family?
for ltspfs i can say that i started playing with ltspfs integration a
year ago [1] but sadly my time to work on that is very limited so i dont
know if it will ever happen, my big target one day is to have ltspfs
properly integrated with dbus and hal though. feel free to drop by in
#ltsp where many knowledgeable people are who use and maintain things
like remote blockdevices on a daily base.



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