Suspend Info

Gary Thompson garysalternateaddress at
Thu May 29 08:22:31 PDT 2008

I'm not sure where to provide this information, please let me know if 
there is a better place:

My Specs:
I'm running Gentoo on an AMD64 machine
Current Kernel: 2.6.24-gentoo-r8
AMD X2 on an Nforce 560 SLI motherboard

The only problem with suspend (without quirks) is that gnome freezes. 
How to replicate:

- Run pm-suspend
- on resume system appears to function fine (need to log in, using GDM)
- existing applications and window manager operated ok, but the moment I 
launch a new application the gnome-panel freezes
- existing applications and window manager still works, need to reboot 
for gnome-panel to recover.

Further Notes
- Stopping X and restarting does not work, when I log in the process 
halts at the starting Nautilus stage
- I also tried unloading my Nvidia (proprietary) module and reloading, 
no change
- I tried running pm-suspend after STOPPING X and then on resume I 
restarted X (using ssh) - No change to problems
- I've tried a variety of quirks, things only get worse or nothing 
different happens

HOWEVER, Using hibernate-script DOES work when I use hibernate-ram.  The 
only setting I changed was removed nvidia from the modules blacklist so 
that the script will run.

Where can I place a bug-report?  What further information can I provide?

Thank you,


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