[PATCH] EeePC 901 suspend quirk

Németh Márton nm127 at freemail.hu
Sun May 31 23:56:23 PDT 2009


I followed the description at
http://people.freedesktop.org/~hughsient/quirk/quirk-suspend-index.html and I
was able to set up the suspend on EeePC 901. I send the patch attached.

The problem without quirk was that the screen remained black after
resumed from suspend. This patch fixes the screen.

What is missing is that the brightness settings are not always restored
correctly and if the brightness up or brightness down button is pressed
sometimes there is a "jump" in the screen brightness value.


	Márton Németh
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Name: hal-info-quirk-asus-eeepc-901.patch
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Url : http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/hal/attachments/20090601/5f740bff/attachment-0001.patch 

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