I've built my system using Linux From Scratch and <br><br>dbus 1.0.2<br>hal <a href=""></a><br>udev 104<br>pmount 0.9.13<br>ivman 0.6.13<br><br>My goal is to be able to insert a usb key and have it mounted automatically, then remove the key and have it automatically unmounted. I use ivman to mount the device and then a udev rule to unmount it once its removed. I copied the rule from both knoppix
5.1.1 and debian. Here is my /etc/udev/rules.d/90-hal.rules file:<br><br># pass all events to the HAL daemon<br>RUN+="socket:/org/freedesktop/hal/udev_event"<br><br># unmount block devices when they are removed<br>
SUBSYSTEM=="block", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="/usr/lib/hal/hal-unmount.sh"<br><br>hal-unmount.sh just calls pmount -l $DEVNAME. I've linked to that script below. Here is what happens though.
<br><br>I insert the usb device. HAL sees it and adds it to the GDL. The device is registered as /dev/sdb and /dev/sdb1 is the partition. ivman automatically mounts /dev/sdb1 to /media/sdb1.<br><br>I physically remove the usb device without unmounting first. Udev runs /usr/lib/hal/hal-
unmount.sh and the device is unmounted. HAL then starts repeating the following error:<br><br>[E] addon-storage.c:423: open failed for /dev/sdb: No such file or directory.<br><br>and HAL never removes the device entry from its GDL, so when I reinsert it, HAL does not generate any events, so ivman cannot automatically mount it again. Here are links to the full debug logs from hald. The first log is from what I described above, the second is from when I unmount the device manually first then remove it to show hal operating correctly.
<br><br><a href="http://www.duke.edu/~kcd6/hal-unmount.sh">http://www.duke.edu/~kcd6/hal-unmount.sh</a><br><a href="http://www.duke.edu/~kcd6/hald-error-log">http://www.duke.edu/~kcd6/hald-error-log</a><br><a href="http://www.duke.edu/~kcd6/hald-good-log">
http://www.duke.edu/~kcd6/hald-good-log</a><br><br>Let me know if more information is needed. <br><br>Thanks for any help,<br><br>Kareem Dana<br><br>