<div dir="ltr"><br>Hello Everybody,<br><br>i am switching my family's toshiba laptops (4 machines, 3 different models) to Kubuntu 8.04. My problem is that the hotkeys are not always working and i cannot find any documention as to where i have to edit configuration files to enter the acpi buttons and their respective codes.<br>
<br>I see the acpi events being logged in /var/log/acpid, e.g an event that does not get handled:<br>:<br>[Sun Aug 24 05:55:00 2008] received event "hkey VALD 00000000 00000b25"<br>[Sun Aug 24 05:55:00 2008] notifying client 4974[0:0]<br>
[Sun Aug 24 05:55:00 2008] notifying client 5292[109:119]<br>[Sun Aug 24 05:55:00 2008] completed event "hkey VALD 00000000 00000b25"<br><br>I think "notifying client 5292" refers to pid 5292, which is:<br>
5292 ? S 0:00 hald-addon-acpi: listening on acpid socket /var/run/acpid.socket<br><br>For events that do get handled by hal i can see them passing through hal by running lshal -m:<br>$ lshal -m<br><br>Start monitoring devicelist:<br>
----------------------------------------<br>06:03:48.894 platform_i8042_i8042_KBD_port_logicaldev_input condition ButtonPressed = play-pause<br>
<br>And then the events that do get handled do show up in KDE through dbus (at least i think so):<br>dbus-monitor --system:<br>signal sender=:1.4 -> dest=(null destination) path=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_i8042_i8042_KBD_port_logicaldev_input; interface=org.freedesktop.Hal.Device; member=Condition<br>
string "ButtonPressed"<br> string "play-pause"<br><br>But my question remains where i can put in new acpi buttons and their codes, e.g. the acpi button "hkey VALD 00000000 00000b25" from above ? And where do i specify what action, like starting a web browser etc, i assign to them ? I have looked through the files in /usr/lib/hal/scripts, /etc/hal/ and /usr/share/hal, but if the information is there then i am not seeing it anymore after spending way too much time on this subject this night (breakfast is in 2,5h....;) ).<br>
<br>I do know how to assign the dbus events in kde to the programs i want IFF i can get the events through to there.<br><br>Thanks for your help<br>Cheers<br>Max<br><br><br></div>