[Intel-gfx] How can I set non-60Hz-Modes?

Oliver Seitz info at vtnd.de
Wed Aug 10 14:15:16 CEST 2011

> EDID reports a refresh range of 58-62 Hertz which I overrode in xorg.conf.

I've learned that overriding detected values is discouraged. The 
prefered solution would be to alter the EDID data in your display 
harwdare or insert a special EDID sending device in the monitor cable.

Configuration of software is not done through conf files anymore, it is 
done using hardware. If autodetection gives values you do not want, you 
have to alter the hardware.

The reason for this policy is, if someone succeeds in solving some issue 
using altered conf files, he might post this solution to the internet, 
where someone else might find and try it. In certain cases this could 
even damage hardware.

So it looks like it's safer to leave the user with a hardware that does 
not run due to lacking setting options than giving the user the 
possibility to damage his hardware using wrong settings.


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