[Intel-gfx] Problems with Intel HD Graphics 3000 in Squeeze-based distro

Vitaliy Dovgan vdovgan2 at yandex.ua
Sat Feb 4 17:03:20 CET 2012


I have some problems with Intel HD Graphics 3000 video subsystem. I have found that video fails to display (while video's audio track goes on ok) in all the players I have (Totem, Xine, VLC and (S)Mplayer), leaving video area black during playback. However, Avidemux plays it back with no problems, and (S)Mplayer works too when using the x11 video output. Compiz don't work as well. I tried to uninstall the "xserver-xorg-video-intel" package, and it seemes like it solves the issue with video playback, but adds another one - losing in the dual-head functionality, leaving single screen for all the video heads. 

How can I solve this issue?

Some details:

Computer: Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E520
CPU: Intel Core i3-2330M
Distro: AV Linux 5.0.2 (a custom shop modded and rodded 32bit multimedia system based on Debian Squeeze)
Kernel: 3.0.16-avl-7-pae (custom-made for AV Linux)
        xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.13.0-6
        mesa 7.7.1-5
        xorg 1:7.5+8+squeeze1
        libdrm-intel1 2.4.23-0.0
        Libva 0.8.4-2s

Thanks a lot in advance.

Best regards,
Vitaliy Dovgan      >>  vdovgan2 at yandex.ua

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