Hello.<br><br>Recently I tried to connect my laptop to some projectors that use rather long VGA cables.<br>Running
"xrandr" shows the VGA output to be disconnected, so I cannot turn on
the VGA output, and cannot use the projector. I have no problems using
the VGA output to connect to monitors and some other projectors.<br>
<br>People running other evil operating systems seem to be able to
connect just fine, and they were also using intel graphics hardware.<br><br>I
remembered that some drivers implement a load_detection flag to force
an output to be enabled, but it seems that there is no such property for the VGA
output on my intel.<br>
<br>So, is there to force the VGA output to think it is connected, even if nothing is detected?<br><br>This is on a netbook with a 945, kernel, X Server and intel driver 2.8.1.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Ivo Anjo<br>