[LDTP-Dev] LDTP handling the dynamic changes

Saravana Prabhu sprabhu at novell.com
Mon Nov 28 21:37:00 PST 2005


Very nice to see many new changes in the latest LDTP. Great and Keep it
up :) . At this point in time as an LDTP consumer we thought of bringing
this point here.

In the intial design of LDTP, we had an advantage of the users not
worrying about the changes (like changes in the title of the window
during the testing process). But I believe in the latest releases, the
user need to take care of such changes in the python scripts s/he
writes, which we believe should be rolled back by keeping the advantages
of the newer design.

This would help the users in writing more maintainable code, as well
effective scripting without worrying about such changes which the tool
should be able to take care. <I believe, the tool should abstract this
from the uers>

Thanks & Regards,

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