[LDTP-Dev] Plz Clarify the LDTP commands

Saravana Prabhu sprabhu at novell.com
Sun Oct 2 22:22:52 PDT 2005

Hi All,

Sending a mail rather bugging you all on IRC ;)  As I felt it would
save a lot of all ours time. Plz clarify the following dbts: I visited
the API Reference page, as I could not find fe of the following
functions, I just want to confirm if they are really not available as
well as if there are any plans to implement them.

1. In the Table functions doe we have a clickcell() which performs a
click on the particular cell. This would help in case a table with cells
having radio buttons or check boxes is present in Application Under Test

2. Can I perform a double click, right click on any component or

3. I can find functions like guiexists() and windowexists(), but I
learnt as per the explanation provided that they both serve the same
purpose. Can I get the clarification, if this is intended to be so? Btw,
is there any other functions where I can check if the given component on
the given window exists? (some thing like this to check if "BtnOk"
button is present in the "DlgSaveWindow")

4. Can I get the total number of coloumns in the specified table? (some
thing like getcolcount() )

5. I learnt that typekey() will help me to key in the inputs to the
components in the application. How do I shift the current focus to a
particular component in the application? In WRAFS we have something like
T, WINDOW, COMPONENT, INPUTKEYS, "Some Text to Input".  This will set
the current focus to the specified COMPONENT in the given WINDOW and
then key in the given text. Is there a  function similar to this in
LDTP? Incase No, Can we have some thing like this so that the user need
not set the focus to the component explicitly before keying in the
input, as the default action before keying in is to set the focus on the
desired component. Does grabfocus() serves this purpose? 

6. Can I maximize, minimize, restore the specified window?

7. Can I launch the web browser and also sepecify the url ( zsome thing
StartWebBrowser("http://forge.novell.com", "mozilla") )?

7. In selectindex ('dlgName', 'cmbName', <index>) in ComboBoxFunctions.
Is the index o-based or 1-based?

Thanks & Regards,
S. Saravana Prabhu,
Sr. Software Engineer,
Ph: +91 99450 05551  

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