[LDTP-Dev] Glad to hear I am not alone! :)

t izard tizard2 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 8 22:26:35 UTC 2017

Hi Brownson,

As I mentioned in my first post, the things I am most trying to work out are how to get:

1. The VISIBLE state of a button
2. The text on a button
3. The text of a label
4. The color of a button (background and text)

I believe we need to get this raw info using the py-at-spi library and am looking into how that works and how it links up with LDTP.

If I suggested that you take a look at #4 and let me know if you get something working, while I start with #1 and let you know when I get something working, does that sound like a plan? I am thinking once we "crack the code" for linking LDTP and py-at-spi, all these things should fall out pretty quickly.


 Message: 1
 Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2017 23:06:32 +0000
 From: 오벨레브라운슨 <brownson at mobis.co.kr>
 To: "ldtp-dev at lists.freedesktop.org"
 <ldtp-dev at lists.freedesktop.org>
 Subject: Re: [LDTP-Dev] LDTP-dev
 Digest, Vol 100, Issue 2
 Message-ID: <de13d45d59cf47f4818a533ad9d8b121 at KGRPJMB07P.mobis.co.kr>
 Content-Type: text/plain;
 Hi Tom,
 I'm also working on using LDTP to test
 QT apps running on Linux (Embedded linux : yocto builds)
 Just like you, I was also able to get
 LDTP to run remotely :)
 I'm willing to help contribute towards
 making LDTP better tests QT apps.
 Best wishes,

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