Hi all,<br>
I am trying to open a file in gpdf application.<br>
I mean I start the gpdf and open the "load file" dialog and after that
I select the folder and click the open button, so the pdf files inside
the folder are displayed in the "load file" dialog, but I cannot open
the pdf file.<br>
Code below<br>
from ldtp import *<br>
from ldtputils import *<br>
import sys, string, os, time<br>
initappmap('%s/gpdf.map' % os.getcwd())<br>
selectmenuitem ('frmPDFViewer', 'mnuFile;mnuOpen')<br>
if waittillguiexist('dlgLoadfile'):<br>
#open the folder<br>
if guiexist('dlgLoadfile'):<br>
'btnOpen') #open
the file inside the folder, but an error is generated<br>
Here is the error message:<br>
Traceback (most recent call last):<br>
File "./gpdf.py", line 16, in ?<br>
click('dlgLoadFile', 'btnOpen')<br>
ldtp.error: Unable to get gui handle ldtp.c 494<br>
Does anyone know what is going on? How can I solve it?<br>
Mauricio Lin.<br>