Hi all,<br>
I ha used waittillguiexist() function often and I noticed a strange behaviour after testing this function many times.<br>
Look the snippet of code:<br>
if waittillguiexist('dlgLoadfile'):<br>
selectrow('dlgLoadfile', 'tblFiles', 'pdf_files')<br>
This code works, but sometimes it fails and the following message is displayed on my terminal:<br>
Traceback (most recent call last):<br>
File "./gpdf_1.py", line 18, in ?<br>
selectrow('dlgLoadfile', 'tblFiles', 'pdf_files')<br>
ldtp.error: unknown - not yet implemented ldtp.c 714 command: 234<br>
So if I change the code as:<br>
if waittillguiexist('dlgLoadfile'):<br>
selectrow('dlgLoadfile', 'tblFiles', 'pdf_files')<br>
It works without error. I guess even waittillguiexist() waits for the
window, sometimes it is not able to wait enough for the window to
Is it normal?<br>
Mauricio Lin.<br>