<div dir="ltr">Hi , <br>I am novice in the use of "ldtp" I have installed them and I tested the following example:<br><br>#!/usr/bin/env python<br>from ldtp import *<br>from ldtputils import *<br><br>launchapp ('gedit')<br>
if waittillguiexist ('*-gedit') == 0:<br> raise LdtpExecutionError ('Gedit window does not exist')<br><br>it create the new file "gedit" but I always have the following error message : <br><br>
GTK Accessibility Module initialized<br>Bonobo accessibility support initialized<br>Traceback (most recent call last):<br> File "./ldtptest.py", line 8, in <module><br> raise LdtpExecutionError ('Gedit window does not exist')<br>
ldtplib.ldtplibutils.LdtpExecutionError: 'Gedit window does not exist'<br><br>you can help me please ?<br>thank you in advance<br></div>