Hi Nagappan,<br><br>I installed LDTP 1.7.1 (below URL) on Ubuntu 8.10 .<br><br><a href="http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/anagappan/xUbuntu_8.10/">http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/anagappan/xUbuntu_8.10/</a><br>
<br>I tried to run the below scripts on U8.10 after installation. I always found a exception after runing the smoke_ldtp() after the first round. Is the LDTP 1.7.1 tested intensively on U8.10?<br><br>Thanks<br>Scott<br><br>
~$ python ldtp_smoke_with_gedit.py <br>i is 0<br>GTK Accessibility Module initialized<br>i is 1<br>GTK Accessibility Module initialized<br><br>(gedit:16481): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_button_leave: assertion `GTK_IS_BUTTON (button)' failed<br>
Traceback (most recent call last):<br> File "ldtp_smoke_with_gedit.py", line 30, in <module><br> smoke_ldtp()<br> File "ldtp_smoke_with_gedit.py", line 20, in smoke_ldtp<br> settextvalue(WNAME, 'txt1', 'hello world')<br>
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/ldtp.py", line 858, in settextvalue<br> raise LdtpExecutionError (_responseStatus [1])<br>ldtplib.ldtplibutils.LdtpExecutionError: u'Window does not exist'<br>
<br><br><br><br><br><br># Below is the content for ldtp_smoke_with_gedit.py <br># This script will simply test the installation of LDTP and all<br># necessary components on a newly installed system.<br># 1) Close all all instances of gedit before calling this script<br>
# 2) This scripts works on Ubuntu 9.0.4. <br><br>from ldtp import *<br><br># Sometimes, '*gedit*' does not works.<br>WNAME = '*gedit'<br><br>def smoke_ldtp():<br><br> launchapp('gedit')<br> waittillguiexist(WNAME, guiTimeOut=3)<br>
<br> # On Ubuntu 9.0.4, the text area is named as 'txt1'. <br> # It could be 'txt0' or other value on other platform.<br> # Please use the inspection tool such as "accerciser"<br> # to check out.<br>
settextvalue(WNAME, 'txt1', 'hello world')<br><br> selectmenuitem(WNAME, 'mnuFile;mnuQuit')<br><br> waittillguiexist('dlgQuestion')<br><br> click('dlgQuestion', 'btnClosewithoutSaving')<br>
<br>for i in xrange(10):<br> print "i is %d" %i<br> smoke_ldtp()<br><br><br>