I'm quite new with LDTP and python. I would like to ask for help on you guyz on setting up LDTP 2.0.6 on my Fedora 13.
When I try to do rpm -i ldtp-2.0.6-7.1.x86_64.rpm, python-pyatspi is required. The problem is, there are no packages named python-pyatspi for Fedora 13 and 12. Packages like pyatspi, at-spi-python and at-spi-devel are already installed in my system. But how come that I couldn't install the later version of LDTP? Although I do have an old LDTP (ldtp-1.3.0-5-fc12.x86_64) in my system, this package would crash everytime I would try to use its features.
Please help....
Thanks in advance...
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View this message in context: <a href="http://old.nabble.com/Unable-to-successfully-install-LDTP-in-Fedora-13.-tp29646896p29646896.html">Unable to successfully install LDTP in Fedora 13.</a><br>
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