[Libburn] Burning

Derek Foreman manmower at signalmarketing.com
Wed Aug 25 18:32:56 PDT 2004

On Tue, 24 Aug 2004, Bryan Forbes wrote:

> I'm trying to figure out how exactly I should burn.  Some of the calls
> are convoluted and don't make sense to me.  Here are some of them:
> burn_track_define_data(struct burn_track *t, int  offset, int  tail, int
> pad, int  mode):
> 	what are offset, tail, and pad?  For a data CD, what should these
> values be? for an audio CD?

from libburn.h, and .`. also in the doxygen stuff:

         @param offset The lib will write this many 0s before start of data
         @param tail The number of extra 0s to write after data
         @param pad 1 means the lib should pad the last sector with 0s if 
                track isn't exactly sector sized.  (otherwise the lib will
                begin reading from the next track)

In most cases you'll want this to be 0, 0, 1

0,0,0 would be useful for burning seemless audio cds where you don't want 
any audible breaks at all between tracks.

In some cases, you want to write 0s after a data track or the drive won't 
recognize the very end of the data.  I don't know why this is, I haven't 
seen anything in the standards docs I have access to explaining this, but 
I've observed the behaviour.

offset is provided in case an audio mastering program wants to add blank 
space to the front of a track.

but for burning an iso you should be fine with 0, 0, 1.  0, 0, 0 should 
really give exactly the same results because libisofs should be coughing 
up stuff in even sector sizes anyway - so there's no partial sector to 

> iso_volumeset_new( int volumeset_size, const char *volumeset_id, char
> *const *volume_id, const char *publisher_id, const char
> *data_preparer_id, time_t *expiration_time, time_t *effective_time ):
> 	to start, what the heck is a volume set?  is it equivalent to a
> session?  if I have a single session data CD, how many volumesets do I
> want to create?  how should I define volume_id?

No idea on this one.  I just shovel in patches for libisofs.

> What order should I call what functions to burn a data cd?  I'm either
> getting the order wrong, or putting the wrong parameter somewhere.
> Thanks in advance!

the libburn side of things should be pretty much what you see in 
test/burniso.c which is a simple app for burning a .iso file.

Theoretically, all you'd have to do differently is the "source" setup.  I 
don't know the details of the libisofs source personally.

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