[Libburn] Looking at the libburn code

Philip Martin philip at codematters.co.uk
Wed Feb 15 15:37:54 PST 2006

Derek Foreman <manmower at signalmarketing.com> writes:

> On Wed, 15 Feb 2006, Philip Martin wrote:
>> - The pthread_mutex_xxx functions all have return values but these are
>>  ignored by the libburn code.  These functions are unlikely to fail,
>>  but assuming they won't fail is a bit of a gamble.
> I think pthread_mutex_lock/unlock will only fail if used incorrectly,
> therefor their returns are only interesting for assert()ions

I'd agree that it's acceptable for libburn to use asserts here.
However it's not true that pthread_mutex_lock failures need always
terminate an application.  "Robust mutexes" are already provided by
Solaris, and will probably come to Linux in the future, and they are
designed to allow an application to recover under certain

Philip Martin

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