[Libdlo] libtubecable 0.1.4

Florian Echtler floe at butterbrot.org
Wed Jun 10 01:05:23 PDT 2009

> > <http://www.magicbooks.org/displaylink/tubecable_0.1.4.tar.gz>
> > Changed:
> > * Added reverse gradient to show scrolling better (yup, it somehow has a
> > bug, Can someone check my math, please?)
> > * Moved finding of adapters from demo to lib - this is NOT enforced by lib,
> > you can still do it manually if you want.
> Added continous vertical scrolling to demo.
Hello Rene,

thanks for your changes. I'll merge them into the git repository ASAP.
As you've found out yourself, the noisy junk during scrolling is just
what happens to be in the framebuffer at the moment. Better to overwrite
it. And the idea with the horizontal scrolling is also quite nice, I
guess it won't work at the same time together with vertical though?

Yours, Florian
0666 - Filemode of the Beast

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