[Libdlo] udlfb 0.2

Roberto De Ioris roberto at unbit.it
Sun May 31 08:56:08 PDT 2009

Hi all this is the 0.2 release of the displaylink linux framebuffer

This version includes:

- removal of 99% of libdlo code and binary blobs
- proper locking of graphics functions
- hotplug survival (still not perfect as framebuffer device as not
supposed to be removed, so avoid to unplug your device while watching an
mmapped video)
- always use the same urb for bulk messages
- linux kernel coding style
- backing buffer to avoid resending the same graphics and to implement
- simpler pixel format (rgb565 simply swapped before sending to usb)
- flush on close (thanks to Phil Endecott)
- a lot of code refactoring

The 0.3 release will focus on huffman compression (thanks to Florian
Echtler impressive work) and 24 bit support.

Next week i will post a couple of solutions to use xorg on top of this

Roberto De Ioris
JID: roberto at jabber.unbit.it
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