[Libdlo] what displaylink device should i buy and what steps are still needed?

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at powercraft.nl
Thu Jul 1 04:21:19 PDT 2010

Hi Christoph,

On 01-07-10 12:25, Christoph Rissner wrote:
> I've seen this, my patch is on this list, maybe this helps:

The information made me try to use the latest git version of udlfb. The 
code seem to be untouched for more then 7 months. Is this the correct 

I also switched form using VGA to DVI so the cable or signalling should 
not become a problem.

However now the kernel udlfb driver crashes.... when the device is 
attached. I attached my debug logs in this mail.

Could somebody have a look at them?

With kind regards,

Jelle de Jong
PowerCraft Technology
+31 (0)10 707 9913
+31 (0)6 1218 2441

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