Odd QMI devices - ZTE MF60

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at lanedo.com
Wed Jul 4 23:59:24 PDT 2012

Hey Bjørn,

> Time to start adding quirk support :-)
> So I've just gone another round with device and finally made some
> progress.  Sending QMI_CTL "set instance id" will enable the ethernet
> interface, providing a local DHCP configured and NATed connection using
> RFC1918 addresses.  Many other QMI commands are supported, including at
> least one QMI_WDS command, but the normal connection management commands
> will make the firmware crash.  So this device needs to be treated with
> special care!
> 3G connection management is done using the built-in web server.  Does
> not look like it can be managed by QMI.  But many QMI_NAS and QMI_DMS
> commands are supported.
> I have no documentation for "set instance id" except the description
> from Code Aurora and sample usage snooped from the Windows driver.
> Windows sets TLV 0x01 to a single 0, so that's what I'm using as well:
>  01 0f 00 00 00 00 00 00  20 00 04 00 01 01 00 00

Is there any requirement in when to send this command? Does it need to
be exactly the first one sent, or can we do version-info checks before
that? I'll be adding it as a new optional step when opening the QmiDevice.

Also, any idea what's the 2-byte 'link ID' (TLV 0x01) that we get as
response? The first byte matches the one we sent as instance ID, but is
the second one always 0?


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