ModemManager for non-desktop linux-es (like openwrt for eg) ?

David McCullough david.mccullough at
Wed Sep 17 15:59:57 PDT 2014

Gopakumar Choorakkot Edakkunni wrote the following:
> All,
> ModemManager obviously has a wealth of information coded in it related to
> the modes of operation and quirks and black magic tricks required for every
> different kind of modem: so what is the best way to get all that on systems
> like openwrt ? Before I start actually sitting down and trying to see what
> it takes to get ModemManager working on openwrt, I wanted to see if any
> previous attempts have been made in this direction, any code sitting around
> for such a port ? If not, what would be the top few big-ticket items that
> would need to be tackled before such a port can be attempted - one thing I
> can think of is the heavy reliance on DBUS and the need to maybe wrap it
> with some other simple socket mechanism on openwrt. I am interested in
> hearing thoughts/comments on this.

Google knows :-)

We run modem manager in an embedded system like OpenWRT, I think its the
only dbus user we have but the overheads are not that huge and it does make
handling modems much easier by giving you a common set of commands (mmcli)
for all modems.  For reference we fit ModemManager, IPsec, Firewall, UI and
a fairly full linux system of various bits into 8MB of flash.


David McCullough,  david.mccullough at,   Ph: 0410 560 763

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