[Patch] add QMI cmd defintion to create PDP profile at specific index (Sierra only)

Wolfgang Tolkien w at tolkien.email
Sat Jul 28 17:52:09 UTC 2018

The "WDS Profile Identifier" TLV is new. Qualcomm's "Create Profile" message only has a "Profile Type" TLV which does not include the profile index. Seems like an oversight by Qualcomm which Sierra corrected with their new QMI command.


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On July 28, 2018 10:14 AM, Aleksander Morgado <aleksander at aleksander.es> wrote:

> Hey,
> > -   'profile index' and 'profile number' (as in WDS_GET/SET_DEFAULT_PROFILE_NUM) are the same. I'll call them 'profile index' below.
> > -   'PDP context number' is different
> >
> > When using the AT+CGDCONT command, they are all set to the same value (and my qmicli patch mimics that). However, when using WDS_CREATE_PROFILE the modem will decide which profile index to use, while the user can specify an arbitrary PDP context number via TLV.
> > The problem is that the 'start network' command (and pretty much everything else) references the profile index, not the PDP context number. In fact, I have no idea what the PDP context number is good for.
> > Sierra seems to have noticed, hence their vendor specific QMI command - I started looking for it when I noticed that their SDK API supports the 'profile index' parameter for creating profiles.
> > BTW, not keeping both values in sync can get really messy with AT-commands. AT+CGDCONT? displays the PDP context number - here it is set to '150':
> > +CGDCONT: 150,"IPV4V6","internet.freedommobile.ca","",0,0,0,0
> > However, when trying to delete it, I have to reference the profile index (which, with AT-commands, I can only guess):
> > at+cgdcont=150
> > at+cgdcont=1
> > OK
> I'm also a bit confused here. I do see the new message definition, but
> I'm not sure which the "profile index parameter" is in the new
> message. I see the "WDS Profile Identifier" and "WDS PDP Context
> Number" TLVs, but those are also available in the original Create
> Profile request... so how is this command different? Just wondering.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Aleksander
> https://aleksander.es
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