Getting error while building libqmi from source code

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Mon Dec 16 09:02:55 UTC 2019

Hey Anesh,

On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 10:40 AM Aleksander Morgado
<aleksander at> wrote:
> On 11/12/19 20:51, Anesh wrote:
> > Hi,Thanks, by commenting out those lines in, I was able to build successfully.As you asked, the version for m4 is 1.4.18 on my system.-Anesh
> >
> Oh, that is extremely weird, because I also have m4 1.4.18. Then it's probably not that, will need to keep on investigating what the root cause is...

Looks like the way to go could be to update your autoconf-archive
version, as per:

Would be good to know what exact version of autoconf-archive we should
require, I'll try to investigate that.


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