Marco Salatin marco.salatin at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 08:21:37 UTC 2020

Now the timeout there aren't but i have the following error:

qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -p --device-open-"net=net-raw-ip|net-no-qos-header"
--wds-start-network="apn=apn.fastweb.it,ip-type=4" --client-no-release-cid
Error system command: qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -p
--device-open-"net=net-raw-ip|net-no-qos-header" --wds-start-network="apn=
apn.fastweb.it,ip-type=4" --client-no-release-cid
error: couldn't start network: QMI protocol error (14): 'CallFailed'
call end reason (3): generic-no-service
verbose call end reason (3,2001): [cm] no-service
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Client ID not released:
        Service: 'wds'
            CID: '1'

It looks like the modem is not registered with any provider.

how can i force to try to register again?


Il giorno gio 8 ott 2020 alle ore 08:48 Marco Salatin <
marco.salatin at gmail.com> ha scritto:

> ok thanks.
> 08-10-2020 08:43:42 root         INFO     [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Successfully got
> signal strength
> Current:
>         Network 'none': '-128 dBm'
>         Network 'none': '-128 dBm'
>         Network 'none': '-2.5 dBm'
> IO: '-106 dBm'
> SINR (8): '9.0 dB'
> there are  a command to force modem to check his signal?
> in this way there arent signal but i know the signal are.
> thanks
> Il giorno mer 7 ott 2020 alle ore 19:27 Aleksander Morgado <
> aleksander at aleksander.es> ha scritto:
>> Hey,
>> On Wed, 7 Oct 2020, 17:17 Marco Salatin, <marco.salatin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> in this command:
>>> qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --device-open-"net=net-raw-ip|net-no-qos-header" --wds-start-network="apn=
>>> apn.fastweb.it,ip-type=4" --client-no-release-cid
>>> --client-no-release-cid what means?
>> Along with --client-cid=[CID] it allows you to reuse clients for multiple
>> commands. See the qmi-network source to check how it's used.
> --
> *Marco Salatin*T. +39 388 1947558
> skype: marco.salatin
> marco.salatin at gmail.com
> Sito web: www.salatin.eu
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*Marco Salatin*T. +39 388 1947558

skype: marco.salatin

marco.salatin at gmail.com
Sito web: www.salatin.eu

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