Consultation about QMI CID Leaks

IOEE Jimmy Li (EXT) at
Mon Dec 20 09:57:25 UTC 2021

Dear developers,

I have met some issues about QMI CID leaks when using Quectel's modem with modem manager, and luckily I found some comments about the exactly some issue on the Mail Archive.(Re: QMI CID leaks (<>

In this post, it is said that "it looks like this could be fixed most easily in qmi-proxy. I will post a patch candidate for review/merging to libqmi project soon..." But we have investigated the latest version of MM, it seems that this issue remained unfixed.

So I wonder whether this issue have been fixed by your team. If it is, can you please share with us the correct version to use(maybe we have used the wrong version). Or do you have any suggestion to solve this issue? We will appreciate a lot if you can kindly share with us.

Hope this would't cause you too much inconvenience. Thanks a lot!



IOEE Jimmy Li | Specialist, Next Generation Cube Program at< at>

迅达(中国)电梯有限公司 | IOEE

We Elevate





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