Trying to use qmimux - how all parts fit together?

Aleksander Morgado aleksandermj at
Thu Oct 5 11:58:45 UTC 2023

> - If you can, using ModemManager can simplify the whole process a lot.

^^ Let me emphasize this^^

If you're just playing with multiplexing, starting with MM directly
instead of raw QMI setup is much more straightforward. E.g. it's
basically just something like this:

$ mmcli -m a --simple-connect="apn=something,multiplex=required"
$ mmcli -m a --simple-connect="apn=somethingelse,multiplex=required"

That will give you 2 separate bearer objects, each with its own
multiplexed net interface already created, and you would need to ifup
the net interface and configure IP settings.

You can also pass apn-type to flag the type of each bearer created in
that operation.


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