[Libreoffice-commits] .: bridges/inc bridges/prj bridges/source

Thomas Klausner tklausner at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Nov 5 16:15:09 PDT 2010

 bridges/inc/bridges/cpp_uno/shared/vtablefactory.hxx   |    3 
 bridges/prj/build.lst                                  |    4 
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/call.s       |  268 --------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/cpp2uno.cxx  |  493 --------------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/except.cxx   |  340 ----------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/makefile.mk  |   81 --
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/share.hxx    |   93 --
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/uno2cpp.cxx  |  447 -------------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/abi.cxx     |  357 ----------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/abi.hxx     |   70 --
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/call.s      |   93 --
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/cpp2uno.cxx |  544 ----------------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/except.cxx  |  340 ----------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/makefile.mk |   80 --
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/share.hxx   |   93 --
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/uno2cpp.cxx |  561 -----------------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_intel/except.cxx     |    8 
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_intel/makefile.mk    |    5 
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_x86-64/except.cxx    |    8 
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_linux_x86-64/makefile.mk   |    5 
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_netbsd_intel/call.s        |  268 --------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_netbsd_intel/cpp2uno.cxx   |  493 --------------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_netbsd_intel/except.cxx    |  340 ----------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_netbsd_intel/makefile.mk   |   81 --
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_netbsd_intel/share.hxx     |   93 --
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_netbsd_intel/uno2cpp.cxx   |  447 -------------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_netbsd_x86-64/abi.cxx      |  358 ----------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_netbsd_x86-64/abi.hxx      |   70 --
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_netbsd_x86-64/call.s       |   93 --
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_netbsd_x86-64/cpp2uno.cxx  |  544 ----------------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_netbsd_x86-64/except.cxx   |  340 ----------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_netbsd_x86-64/makefile.mk  |   80 --
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_netbsd_x86-64/share.hxx    |   93 --
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_netbsd_x86-64/uno2cpp.cxx  |  561 -----------------
 34 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 7728 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 59fdf04dfe88037857b0662fc59eccae3eca165a
Author: Robert Nagy <robert at openbsd.org>
Date:   Sat Nov 6 00:13:51 2010 +0100

    Use linux bridge code on all BSDs.
    Share the linux bridge code with all the BSDs to avoid code duplication
    and the hassle of syncing. Discussed with Caolan McNamara

diff --git a/bridges/inc/bridges/cpp_uno/shared/vtablefactory.hxx b/bridges/inc/bridges/cpp_uno/shared/vtablefactory.hxx
index 43b0bf8..680dee6 100644
--- a/bridges/inc/bridges/cpp_uno/shared/vtablefactory.hxx
+++ b/bridges/inc/bridges/cpp_uno/shared/vtablefactory.hxx
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
 #include <hash_map>
 /*See: http://people.redhat.com/drepper/selinux-mem.html*/
-#ifdef LINUX
+#if defined(LINUX) || defined(OPENBSD) || defined(FREEBSD) \
+	|| defined(NETBSD)
diff --git a/bridges/prj/build.lst b/bridges/prj/build.lst
index 51c342a..34eda8a 100644
--- a/bridges/prj/build.lst
+++ b/bridges/prj/build.lst
@@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ br	bridges\source\cpp_uno\mingw_intel	nmake	-	w	br_gcc3i br_cppuno_shared br_uno
 br	bridges\source\cpp_uno\msvc_win32_intel	nmake	-	w	br_msci br_cppuno_shared br_unotypes br_inc NULL
 br	bridges\source\cpp_uno\gcc3_linux_intel	nmake	-	u	br_gcc3li br_cppuno_shared br_unotypes br_inc NULL
 br	bridges\source\cpp_uno\gcc3_os2_intel	nmake	-	p	br_gcc3os br_cppuno_shared br_unotypes br_inc NULL
-br	bridges\source\cpp_uno\gcc3_freebsd_intel	nmake	-	u	br_gcc3fi br_cppuno_shared br_unotypes br_inc NULL
 br	bridges\source\cpp_uno\gcc3_linux_x86-64	nmake	-	u	br_gcc3lx br_cppuno_shared br_unotypes br_inc NULL
-br	bridges\source\cpp_uno\gcc3_freebsd_x86-64	nmake	-	u	br_gcc3fx br_cppuno_shared br_unotypes br_inc NULL
 br	bridges\source\cpp_uno\gcc3_linux_powerpc	nmake	-	u	br_gcc3lp br_cppuno_shared br_unotypes br_inc NULL
 br	bridges\source\cpp_uno\gcc3_aix_powerpc	nmake	-	u	br_gcc3ap br_cppuno_shared br_unotypes br_inc NULL
 br	bridges\source\cpp_uno\gcc3_linux_powerpc64	nmake	-	u	br_gcc3lp_64 br_cppuno_shared br_unotypes br_inc NULL
@@ -31,8 +29,6 @@ br  bridges\source\cpp_uno\cc5_solaris_sparc64 nmake - u br_cc5sols64 br_unotype
 br	bridges\source\cpp_uno\cc50_solaris_intel			nmake	-	u	br_cc50soli br_unotypes br_cppuno_shared br_inc NULL
 br	bridges\source\cpp_uno\gcc3_solaris_sparc			nmake	-	u	br_gcc3sogs br_cppuno_shared br_unotypes br_inc NULL
 br	bridges\source\cpp_uno\gcc3_solaris_intel			nmake	-	u	br_gcc3sogi br_cppuno_shared br_unotypes br_inc NULL
-br	bridges\source\cpp_uno\gcc3_netbsd_intel	nmake	-	u	br_gccni br_unotypes br_inc NULL
-br	bridges\source\cpp_uno\gcc3_netbsd_x86-64	nmake	-	u	br_gcc3nx br_cppuno_shared br_unotypes br_inc NULL
 br  bridges\source\cpp_uno\shared           nmake   -   all br_cppuno_shared br_unotypes br_inc NULL
 br	bridges\source\jni_uno					nmake	-	all	br_jni_uno br_unotypes br_inc NULL
 br	bridges\source\jni_uno\java\com\sun\star\bridges\jni_uno				nmake	-	all	br_jni_uno_java br_unotypes br_inc NULL
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/call.s b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/call.s
deleted file mode 100644
index f345e3a..0000000
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/call.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-    .text
-.globl privateSnippetExecutorGeneral
-    .type   privateSnippetExecutorGeneral, at function
-    movl    %esp,%ecx
-    pushl   %ebp              # proper stack frame needed for exception handling
-    movl    %esp,%ebp
-    subl    $0x4,%esp         # 32bit returnValue
-    pushl   %esp              # 32bit &returnValue
-    pushl   %ecx              # 32bit pCallStack
-    pushl   %edx              # 32bit nVtableOffset
-    pushl   %eax              # 32bit nFunctionIndex
-    call    cpp_vtable_call
-    movl    16(%esp),%eax     # 32bit returnValue
-    leave
-    ret
-    .size   privateSnippetExecutorGeneral,.-privateSnippetExecutorGeneral
-.globl privateSnippetExecutorVoid
-    .type   privateSnippetExecutorVoid, at function
-    movl    %esp,%ecx
-    pushl   %ebp              # proper stack frame needed for exception handling
-    movl    %esp,%ebp
-    pushl   $0                # 32bit null pointer (returnValue not used)
-    pushl   %ecx              # 32bit pCallStack
-    pushl   %edx              # 32bit nVtableOffset
-    pushl   %eax              # 32bit nFunctionIndex
-    call    cpp_vtable_call
-    leave
-    ret
-    .size   privateSnippetExecutorVoid,.-privateSnippetExecutorVoid
-.globl privateSnippetExecutorHyper
-    .type   privateSnippetExecutorHyper, at function
-    movl    %esp,%ecx
-    pushl   %ebp              # proper stack frame needed for exception handling
-    movl    %esp,%ebp
-    subl    $0x8,%esp         # 64bit returnValue
-    pushl   %esp              # 32bit &returnValue
-    pushl   %ecx              # 32bit pCallStack
-    pushl   %edx              # 32bit nVtableOffset
-    pushl   %eax              # 32bit nFunctionIndex
-    call    cpp_vtable_call
-    movl    16(%esp),%eax     # 64bit returnValue, lower half
-    movl    20(%esp),%edx     # 64bit returnValue, upper half
-    leave
-    ret
-    .size   privateSnippetExecutorHyper,.-privateSnippetExecutorHyper
-.globl privateSnippetExecutorFloat
-    .type   privateSnippetExecutorFloat, at function
-    movl    %esp,%ecx
-    pushl   %ebp              # proper stack frame needed for exception handling
-    movl    %esp,%ebp
-    subl    $0x4,%esp         # 32bit returnValue
-    pushl   %esp              # 32bit &returnValue
-    pushl   %ecx              # 32bit pCallStack
-    pushl   %edx              # 32bit nVtableOffset
-    pushl   %eax              # 32bit nFunctionIndex
-    call    cpp_vtable_call
-    flds    16(%esp)          # 32bit returnValue
-    leave
-    ret
-    .size   privateSnippetExecutorFloat,.-privateSnippetExecutorFloat
-.globl privateSnippetExecutorDouble
-    .type   privateSnippetExecutorDouble, at function
-    movl    %esp,%ecx
-    pushl   %ebp              # proper stack frame needed for exception handling
-    movl    %esp,%ebp
-    subl    $0x8,%esp         # 64bit returnValue
-    pushl   %esp              # 32bit &returnValue
-    pushl   %ecx              # 32bit pCallStack
-    pushl   %edx              # 32bit nVtableOffset
-    pushl   %eax              # 32bit nFunctionIndex
-    call    cpp_vtable_call
-    fldl    16(%esp)          # 64bit returnValue
-    leave
-    ret
-    .size   privateSnippetExecutorDouble,.-privateSnippetExecutorDouble
-.globl privateSnippetExecutorClass
-    .type   privateSnippetExecutorClass, at function
-    movl    %esp,%ecx
-    pushl   %ebp              # proper stack frame needed for exception handling
-    movl    %esp,%ebp
-    subl    $0x4,%esp         # 32bit returnValue
-    pushl   %esp              # 32bit &returnValue
-    pushl   %ecx              # 32bit pCallStack
-    pushl   %edx              # 32bit nVtableOffset
-    pushl   %eax              # 32bit nFunctionIndex
-    call    cpp_vtable_call
-    movl    16(%esp),%eax     # 32bit returnValue
-    leave
-    ret     $4
-    .size   privateSnippetExecutorClass,.-privateSnippetExecutorClass
-    .section .eh_frame,"a", at progbits
-    .long   .LECIE1-.LSCIE1   # length
-    .long   0                 # CIE_ID
-    .byte   1                 # version
-    .string "zR"              # augmentation
-    .uleb128 1                # code_alignment_factor
-    .sleb128 -4               # data_alignment_factor
-    .byte   8                 # return_address_register
-    .uleb128 1                # augmentation size 1:
-    .byte   0x1B              #  FDE Encoding (pcrel sdata4)
-                              # initial_instructions:
-    .byte   0x0C              #  DW_CFA_def_cfa %esp, 4
-    .uleb128 4
-    .uleb128 4
-    .byte   0x88              #  DW_CFA_offset ret, 1
-    .uleb128 1
-    .align 4
-    .long   .LEFDEg-.LASFDEg  # length
-    .long   .LASFDEg-.Lframe1 # CIE_pointer
-    .long   .LFBg-.           # initial_location
-    .long   .LFEg-.LFBg       # address_range
-    .uleb128 0                # augmentation size 0
-                              # instructions:
-    .byte   0x04              #  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   .LCFIg0-.LFBg
-    .byte   0x0E              #  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 8
-    .uleb128 8
-    .byte   0x85              #  DW_CFA_offset %ebp, 2
-    .uleb128 2
-    .byte   0x04              #  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   .LCFIg1-.LCFIg0
-    .byte   0x0D              #  DW_CFA_def_cfa_register %ebp
-    .uleb128 5
-    .align 4
-    .long   .LEFDEv-.LASFDEv  # length
-    .long   .LASFDEv-.Lframe1 # CIE_pointer
-    .long   .LFBv-.           # initial_location
-    .long   .LFEv-.LFBv       # address_range
-    .uleb128 0                # augmentation size 0
-                              # instructions:
-    .byte   0x04              #  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   .LCFIv0-.LFBv
-    .byte   0x0E              #  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 8
-    .uleb128 8
-    .byte   0x85              #  DW_CFA_offset %ebp, 2
-    .uleb128 2
-    .byte   0x04              #  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   .LCFIv1-.LCFIv0
-    .byte   0x0D              #  DW_CFA_def_cfa_register %ebp
-    .uleb128 5
-    .align 4
-    .long   .LEFDEh-.LASFDEh  # length
-    .long   .LASFDEh-.Lframe1 # CIE_pointer
-    .long   .LFBh-.           # initial_location
-    .long   .LFEh-.LFBh       # address_range
-    .uleb128 0                # augmentation size 0
-                              # instructions:
-    .byte   0x04              #  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   .LCFIh0-.LFBh
-    .byte   0x0E              #  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 8
-    .uleb128 8
-    .byte   0x85              #  DW_CFA_offset %ebp, 2
-    .uleb128 2
-    .byte   0x04              #  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   .LCFIh1-.LCFIh0
-    .byte   0x0D              #  DW_CFA_def_cfa_register %ebp
-    .uleb128 5
-    .align 4
-    .long   .LEFDEf-.LASFDEf  # length
-    .long   .LASFDEf-.Lframe1 # CIE_pointer
-    .long   .LFBf-.           # initial_location
-    .long   .LFEf-.LFBf       # address_range
-    .uleb128 0                # augmentation size 0
-                              # instructions:
-    .byte   0x04              #  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   .LCFIf0-.LFBf
-    .byte   0x0E              #  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 8
-    .uleb128 8
-    .byte   0x85              #  DW_CFA_offset %ebp, 2
-    .uleb128 2
-    .byte   0x04              #  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   .LCFIf1-.LCFIf0
-    .byte   0x0D              #  DW_CFA_def_cfa_register %ebp
-    .uleb128 5
-    .align 4
-    .long   .LEFDEd-.LASFDEd  # length
-    .long   .LASFDEd-.Lframe1 # CIE_pointer
-    .long   .LFBd-.           # initial_location
-    .long   .LFEd-.LFBd       # address_range
-    .uleb128 0                # augmentation size 0
-                              # instructions:
-    .byte   0x04              #  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   .LCFId0-.LFBd
-    .byte   0x0E              #  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 8
-    .uleb128 8
-    .byte   0x85              #  DW_CFA_offset %ebp, 2
-    .uleb128 2
-    .byte   0x04              #  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   .LCFId1-.LCFId0
-    .byte   0x0D              #  DW_CFA_def_cfa_register %ebp
-    .uleb128 5
-    .align 4
-    .long   .LEFDEc-.LASFDEc  # length
-    .long   .LASFDEc-.Lframe1 # CIE_pointer
-    .long   .LFBc-.           # initial_location
-    .long   .LFEc-.LFBc       # address_range
-    .uleb128 0                # augmentation size 0
-                              # instructions:
-    .byte   0x04              #  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   .LCFIc0-.LFBc
-    .byte   0x0E              #  DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 8
-    .uleb128 8
-    .byte   0x85              #  DW_CFA_offset %ebp, 2
-    .uleb128 2
-    .byte   0x04              #  DW_CFA_advance_loc4
-    .long   .LCFIc1-.LCFIc0
-    .byte   0x0D              #  DW_CFA_def_cfa_register %ebp
-    .uleb128 5
-    .align 4
-    .section .note.GNU-stack,"", at progbits
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/cpp2uno.cxx b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/cpp2uno.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d3c307..0000000
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/cpp2uno.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- *
- * 
- * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
- *
- * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
- * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
- * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
- * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
- * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
-#include "precompiled_bridges.hxx"
-#include <com/sun/star/uno/genfunc.hxx>
-#include "com/sun/star/uno/RuntimeException.hpp"
-#include <uno/data.h>
-#include <typelib/typedescription.hxx>
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/bridge.hxx"
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/cppinterfaceproxy.hxx"
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/types.hxx"
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/vtablefactory.hxx"
-#include "share.hxx"
-using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
-void cpp2uno_call(
-    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy * pThis,
-    const typelib_TypeDescription * pMemberTypeDescr,
-    typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pReturnTypeRef, // 0 indicates void return
-    sal_Int32 nParams, typelib_MethodParameter * pParams,
-    void ** pCallStack,
-    void * pReturnValue )
-    // pCallStack: ret, [return ptr], this, params
-    char * pCppStack = (char *)(pCallStack +1);
-    // return
-    typelib_TypeDescription * pReturnTypeDescr = 0;
-    if (pReturnTypeRef)
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pReturnTypeDescr, pReturnTypeRef );
-    void * pUnoReturn = 0;
-    void * pCppReturn = 0; // complex return ptr: if != 0 && != pUnoReturn, reconversion need
-    if (pReturnTypeDescr)
-    {
-        if (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType( pReturnTypeDescr ))
-        {
-            pUnoReturn = pReturnValue; // direct way for simple types
-        }
-        else // complex return via ptr (pCppReturn)
-        {
-            pCppReturn = *(void **)pCppStack;
-            pCppStack += sizeof(void *);
-            pUnoReturn = (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType(
-                              pReturnTypeDescr )
-                          ? alloca( pReturnTypeDescr->nSize )
-                          : pCppReturn); // direct way
-        }
-    }
-    // pop this
-    pCppStack += sizeof( void* );
-    // stack space
-    OSL_ENSURE( sizeof(void *) == sizeof(sal_Int32), "### unexpected size!" );
-    // parameters
-    void ** pUnoArgs = (void **)alloca( 4 * sizeof(void *) * nParams );
-    void ** pCppArgs = pUnoArgs + nParams;
-    // indizes of values this have to be converted (interface conversion cpp<=>uno)
-    sal_Int32 * pTempIndizes = (sal_Int32 *)(pUnoArgs + (2 * nParams));
-    // type descriptions for reconversions
-    typelib_TypeDescription ** ppTempParamTypeDescr = (typelib_TypeDescription **)(pUnoArgs + (3 * nParams));
-    sal_Int32 nTempIndizes   = 0;
-    for ( sal_Int32 nPos = 0; nPos < nParams; ++nPos )
-    {
-        const typelib_MethodParameter & rParam = pParams[nPos];
-        typelib_TypeDescription * pParamTypeDescr = 0;
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pParamTypeDescr, rParam.pTypeRef );
-        if (!rParam.bOut
-            && bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType( pParamTypeDescr ))
-            // value
-        {
-            pCppArgs[nPos] = pCppStack;
-            pUnoArgs[nPos] = pCppStack;
-            switch (pParamTypeDescr->eTypeClass)
-            {
-            case typelib_TypeClass_HYPER:
-            case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
-            case typelib_TypeClass_DOUBLE:
-                pCppStack += sizeof(sal_Int32); // extra long
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-            }
-            // no longer needed
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pParamTypeDescr );
-        }
-        else // ptr to complex value | ref
-        {
-            pCppArgs[nPos] = *(void **)pCppStack;
-            if (! rParam.bIn) // is pure out
-            {
-                // uno out is unconstructed mem!
-                pUnoArgs[nPos] = alloca( pParamTypeDescr->nSize );
-                pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes] = nPos;
-                // will be released at reconversion
-                ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes++] = pParamTypeDescr;
-            }
-            // is in/inout
-            else if (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType(
-                         pParamTypeDescr ))
-            {
-                uno_copyAndConvertData( pUnoArgs[nPos] = alloca( pParamTypeDescr->nSize ),
-                                        *(void **)pCppStack, pParamTypeDescr,
-                                        pThis->getBridge()->getCpp2Uno() );
-                pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes] = nPos; // has to be reconverted
-                // will be released at reconversion
-                ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes++] = pParamTypeDescr;
-            }
-            else // direct way
-            {
-                pUnoArgs[nPos] = *(void **)pCppStack;
-                // no longer needed
-                TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pParamTypeDescr );
-            }
-        }
-        pCppStack += sizeof(sal_Int32); // standard parameter length
-    }
-    // ExceptionHolder
-    uno_Any aUnoExc; // Any will be constructed by callee
-    uno_Any * pUnoExc = &aUnoExc;
-    // invoke uno dispatch call
-    (*pThis->getUnoI()->pDispatcher)(
-        pThis->getUnoI(), pMemberTypeDescr, pUnoReturn, pUnoArgs, &pUnoExc );
-    // in case an exception occured...
-    if (pUnoExc)
-    {
-        // destruct temporary in/inout params
-        for ( ; nTempIndizes--; )
-        {
-            sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes];
-            if (pParams[nIndex].bIn) // is in/inout => was constructed
-                uno_destructData( pUnoArgs[nIndex], ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes], 0 );
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes] );
-        }
-        if (pReturnTypeDescr)
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pReturnTypeDescr );
-        CPPU_CURRENT_NAMESPACE::raiseException(
-            &aUnoExc, pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp() );
-            // has to destruct the any
-    }
-    else // else no exception occured...
-    {
-        // temporary params
-        for ( ; nTempIndizes--; )
-        {
-            sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes];
-            typelib_TypeDescription * pParamTypeDescr = ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes];
-            if (pParams[nIndex].bOut) // inout/out
-            {
-                // convert and assign
-                uno_destructData( pCppArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr, cpp_release );
-                uno_copyAndConvertData( pCppArgs[nIndex], pUnoArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr,
-                                        pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp() );
-            }
-            // destroy temp uno param
-            uno_destructData( pUnoArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr, 0 );
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pParamTypeDescr );
-        }
-        // return
-        if (pCppReturn) // has complex return
-        {
-            if (pUnoReturn != pCppReturn) // needs reconversion
-            {
-                uno_copyAndConvertData( pCppReturn, pUnoReturn, pReturnTypeDescr,
-                                        pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp() );
-                // destroy temp uno return
-                uno_destructData( pUnoReturn, pReturnTypeDescr, 0 );
-            }
-            // complex return ptr is set to eax
-            *static_cast< void ** >(pReturnValue) = pCppReturn;
-        }
-        if (pReturnTypeDescr)
-        {
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pReturnTypeDescr );
-        }
-    }
-extern "C" void cpp_vtable_call(
-    int nFunctionIndex, int nVtableOffset, void** pCallStack,
-    void * pReturnValue )
-    OSL_ENSURE( sizeof(sal_Int32)==sizeof(void *), "### unexpected!" );
-    // pCallStack: ret adr, [ret *], this, params
-    void * pThis;
-    if( nFunctionIndex & 0x80000000 )
-    {
-        nFunctionIndex &= 0x7fffffff;
-        pThis = pCallStack[2];
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        pThis = pCallStack[1];
-    }
-    pThis = static_cast< char * >(pThis) - nVtableOffset;
-    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy * pCppI
-        = bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy::castInterfaceToProxy(
-            pThis);
-    typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pTypeDescr = pCppI->getTypeDescr();
-    OSL_ENSURE( nFunctionIndex < pTypeDescr->nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex, "### illegal vtable index!" );
-    if (nFunctionIndex >= pTypeDescr->nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex)
-    {
-        throw RuntimeException(
-            rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("illegal vtable index!"),
-            (XInterface *)pThis );
-    }
-    // determine called method
-    sal_Int32 nMemberPos = pTypeDescr->pMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex[nFunctionIndex];
-    OSL_ENSURE( nMemberPos < pTypeDescr->nAllMembers, "### illegal member index!" );
-    TypeDescription aMemberDescr( pTypeDescr->ppAllMembers[nMemberPos] );
-    switch (aMemberDescr.get()->eTypeClass)
-    {
-    case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE:
-    {
-        if (pTypeDescr->pMapMemberIndexToFunctionIndex[nMemberPos] == nFunctionIndex)
-        {
-            // is GET method
-            cpp2uno_call(
-                pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(),
-                ((typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription *)aMemberDescr.get())->pAttributeTypeRef,
-                0, 0, // no params
-                pCallStack, pReturnValue );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // is SET method
-            typelib_MethodParameter aParam;
-            aParam.pTypeRef =
-                ((typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription *)aMemberDescr.get())->pAttributeTypeRef;
-            aParam.bIn		= sal_True;
-            aParam.bOut		= sal_False;
-            cpp2uno_call(
-                pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(),
-                0, // indicates void return
-                1, &aParam,
-                pCallStack, pReturnValue );
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_METHOD:
-    {
-        // is METHOD
-        switch (nFunctionIndex)
-        {
-        case 1: // acquire()
-            pCppI->acquireProxy(); // non virtual call!
-            break;
-        case 2: // release()
-            pCppI->releaseProxy(); // non virtual call!
-            break;
-        case 0: // queryInterface() opt
-        {
-            typelib_TypeDescription * pTD = 0;
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pTD, reinterpret_cast< Type * >( pCallStack[3] )->getTypeLibType() );
-            if (pTD)
-            {
-                XInterface * pInterface = 0;
-                (*pCppI->getBridge()->getCppEnv()->getRegisteredInterface)(
-                    pCppI->getBridge()->getCppEnv(),
-                    (void **)&pInterface, pCppI->getOid().pData,
-                    (typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription *)pTD );
-                if (pInterface)
-                {
-                    ::uno_any_construct(
-                        reinterpret_cast< uno_Any * >( pCallStack[1] ),
-                        &pInterface, pTD, cpp_acquire );
-                    pInterface->release();
-                    TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pTD );
-                    *static_cast< void ** >(pReturnValue) = pCallStack[1];
-                    break;
-                }
-                TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pTD );
-            }
-        } // else perform queryInterface()
-        default:
-            cpp2uno_call(
-                pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(),
-                ((typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription *)aMemberDescr.get())->pReturnTypeRef,
-                ((typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription *)aMemberDescr.get())->nParams,
-                ((typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription *)aMemberDescr.get())->pParams,
-                pCallStack, pReturnValue );
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    default:
-    {
-        throw RuntimeException(
-            rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("no member description found!"),
-            (XInterface *)pThis );
-    }
-    }
-extern "C" void privateSnippetExecutorGeneral();
-extern "C" void privateSnippetExecutorVoid();
-extern "C" void privateSnippetExecutorHyper();
-extern "C" void privateSnippetExecutorFloat();
-extern "C" void privateSnippetExecutorDouble();
-extern "C" void privateSnippetExecutorClass();
-extern "C" typedef void (*PrivateSnippetExecutor)();
-int const codeSnippetSize = 16;
-unsigned char * codeSnippet(
-    unsigned char * code, sal_Int32 functionIndex, sal_Int32 vtableOffset,
-    typelib_TypeClass returnTypeClass)
-    if (!bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType(returnTypeClass)) {
-        functionIndex |= 0x80000000;
-    }
-    PrivateSnippetExecutor exec;
-    switch (returnTypeClass) {
-    case typelib_TypeClass_VOID:
-        exec = privateSnippetExecutorVoid;
-        break;
-    case typelib_TypeClass_HYPER:
-    case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
-        exec = privateSnippetExecutorHyper;
-        break;
-    case typelib_TypeClass_FLOAT:
-        exec = privateSnippetExecutorFloat;
-        break;
-    case typelib_TypeClass_DOUBLE:
-        exec = privateSnippetExecutorDouble;
-        break;
-    case typelib_TypeClass_STRING:
-    case typelib_TypeClass_TYPE:
-    case typelib_TypeClass_ANY:
-    case typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE:
-    case typelib_TypeClass_STRUCT:
-    case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE:
-        exec = privateSnippetExecutorClass;
-        break;
-    default:
-        exec = privateSnippetExecutorGeneral;
-        break;
-    }
-    unsigned char * p = code;
-    OSL_ASSERT(sizeof (sal_Int32) == 4);
-    // mov function_index, %eax:
-    *p++ = 0xB8;
-    *reinterpret_cast< sal_Int32 * >(p) = functionIndex;
-    p += sizeof (sal_Int32);
-    // mov vtable_offset, %edx:
-    *p++ = 0xBA;
-    *reinterpret_cast< sal_Int32 * >(p) = vtableOffset;
-    p += sizeof (sal_Int32);
-    // jmp privateSnippetExecutor:
-    *p++ = 0xE9;
-    *reinterpret_cast< sal_Int32 * >(p)
-        = ((unsigned char *) exec) - p - sizeof (sal_Int32);
-    p += sizeof (sal_Int32);
-    OSL_ASSERT(p - code <= codeSnippetSize);
-    return code + codeSnippetSize;
-struct bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::Slot { void * fn; };
-bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::Slot *
-bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::mapBlockToVtable(void * block)
-    return static_cast< Slot * >(block) + 2;
-sal_Size bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::getBlockSize(
-    sal_Int32 slotCount)
-    return (slotCount + 2) * sizeof (Slot) + slotCount * codeSnippetSize;
-bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::Slot *
-    void * block, sal_Int32 slotCount)
-    Slot * slots = mapBlockToVtable(block);
-    slots[-2].fn = 0;
-    slots[-1].fn = 0;
-    return slots + slotCount;
-unsigned char * bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::addLocalFunctions(
-    Slot ** slots, unsigned char * code,
-    typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription const * type, sal_Int32 functionOffset,
-    sal_Int32 functionCount, sal_Int32 vtableOffset)
-    (*slots) -= functionCount;
-    Slot * s = *slots;
-    for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < type->nMembers; ++i) {
-        typelib_TypeDescription * member = 0;
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET(&member, type->ppMembers[i]);
-        OSL_ASSERT(member != 0);
-        switch (member->eTypeClass) {
-        case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE:
-            // Getter:
-            (s++)->fn = code;
-            code = codeSnippet(
-                code, functionOffset++, vtableOffset,
-                reinterpret_cast< typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription * >(
-                    member)->pAttributeTypeRef->eTypeClass);
-            // Setter:
-            if (!reinterpret_cast<
-                typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription * >(
-                    member)->bReadOnly)
-            {
-                (s++)->fn = code;
-                code = codeSnippet(
-                    code, functionOffset++, vtableOffset,
-                    typelib_TypeClass_VOID);
-            }
-            break;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_METHOD:
-            (s++)->fn = code;
-            code = codeSnippet(
-                code, functionOffset++, vtableOffset,
-                reinterpret_cast< typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription * >(
-                    member)->pReturnTypeRef->eTypeClass);
-            break;
-        default:
-            OSL_ASSERT(false);
-            break;
-        }
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(member);
-    }
-    return code;
-void bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::flushCode(
-    unsigned char const *, unsigned char const *)
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/except.cxx b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/except.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 60009e9..0000000
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/except.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- *
- * 
- * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
- *
- * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
- * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
- * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
- * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
- * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
-#include "precompiled_bridges.hxx"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-#include <cxxabi.h>
-#include <hash_map>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
-#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
-#include <osl/diagnose.h>
-#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
-#include <com/sun/star/uno/genfunc.hxx>
-#include "com/sun/star/uno/RuntimeException.hpp"
-#include <typelib/typedescription.hxx>
-#include <uno/any2.h>
-#include "share.hxx"
-using namespace ::std;
-using namespace ::osl;
-using namespace ::rtl;
-using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
-using namespace ::__cxxabiv1;
-void dummy_can_throw_anything( char const * )
-static OUString toUNOname( char const * p ) SAL_THROW( () )
-    char const * start = p;
-    // example: N3com3sun4star4lang24IllegalArgumentExceptionE
-    OUStringBuffer buf( 64 );
-    OSL_ASSERT( 'N' == *p );
-    ++p; // skip N
-    while ('E' != *p)
-    {
-        // read chars count
-        long n = (*p++ - '0');
-        while ('0' <= *p && '9' >= *p)
-        {
-            n *= 10;
-            n += (*p++ - '0');
-        }
-        buf.appendAscii( p, n );
-        p += n;
-        if ('E' != *p)
-            buf.append( (sal_Unicode)'.' );
-    }
-    OUString ret( buf.makeStringAndClear() );
-    OString c_ret( OUStringToOString( ret, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
-    fprintf( stderr, "> toUNOname(): %s => %s\n", start, c_ret.getStr() );
-    return ret;
-    return buf.makeStringAndClear();
-class RTTI
-    typedef hash_map< OUString, type_info *, OUStringHash > t_rtti_map;
-    Mutex m_mutex;
-    t_rtti_map m_rttis;
-    t_rtti_map m_generatedRttis;
-    void * m_hApp;
-    RTTI() SAL_THROW( () );
-    ~RTTI() SAL_THROW( () );
-    type_info * getRTTI( typelib_CompoundTypeDescription * ) SAL_THROW( () );
-#if __FreeBSD_version < 602103
-    : m_hApp( dlopen( 0, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL ) )
-    : m_hApp( dlopen( 0, RTLD_LAZY ) )
-    dlclose( m_hApp );
-type_info * RTTI::getRTTI( typelib_CompoundTypeDescription *pTypeDescr ) SAL_THROW( () )
-    type_info * rtti;
-    OUString const & unoName = *(OUString const *)&pTypeDescr->aBase.pTypeName;
-    MutexGuard guard( m_mutex );
-    t_rtti_map::const_iterator iRttiFind( m_rttis.find( unoName ) );
-    if (iRttiFind == m_rttis.end())
-    {
-        // RTTI symbol
-        OStringBuffer buf( 64 );
-        buf.append( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("_ZTIN") );
-        sal_Int32 index = 0;
-        do
-        {
-            OUString token( unoName.getToken( 0, '.', index ) );
-            buf.append( token.getLength() );
-            OString c_token( OUStringToOString( token, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
-            buf.append( c_token );
-        }
-        while (index >= 0);
-        buf.append( 'E' );
-        OString symName( buf.makeStringAndClear() );
-#if __FreeBSD_version < 602103 /* #i22253# */
-        rtti = (type_info *)dlsym( RTLD_DEFAULT, symName.getStr() );
-        rtti = (type_info *)dlsym( m_hApp, symName.getStr() );
-        if (rtti)
-        {
-            pair< t_rtti_map::iterator, bool > insertion(
-                m_rttis.insert( t_rtti_map::value_type( unoName, rtti ) ) );
-            OSL_ENSURE( insertion.second, "### inserting new rtti failed?!" );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // try to lookup the symbol in the generated rtti map
-            t_rtti_map::const_iterator iFind( m_generatedRttis.find( unoName ) );
-            if (iFind == m_generatedRttis.end())
-            {
-                // we must generate it !
-                // symbol and rtti-name is nearly identical,
-                // the symbol is prefixed with _ZTI
-                char const * rttiName = symName.getStr() +4;
-                fprintf( stderr,"generated rtti for %s\n", rttiName );
-                if (pTypeDescr->pBaseTypeDescription)
-                {
-                    // ensure availability of base
-                    type_info * base_rtti = getRTTI(
-                        (typelib_CompoundTypeDescription *)pTypeDescr->pBaseTypeDescription );
-                    rtti = new __si_class_type_info(
-                        strdup( rttiName ), (__class_type_info *)base_rtti );
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // this class has no base class
-                    rtti = new __class_type_info( strdup( rttiName ) );
-                }
-                pair< t_rtti_map::iterator, bool > insertion(
-                    m_generatedRttis.insert( t_rtti_map::value_type( unoName, rtti ) ) );
-                OSL_ENSURE( insertion.second, "### inserting new generated rtti failed?!" );
-            }
-            else // taking already generated rtti
-            {
-                rtti = iFind->second;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        rtti = iRttiFind->second;
-    }
-    return rtti;
-static void deleteException( void * pExc )
-    __cxa_exception const * header = ((__cxa_exception const *)pExc - 1);
-    typelib_TypeDescription * pTD = 0;
-    OUString unoName( toUNOname( header->exceptionType->name() ) );
-    ::typelib_typedescription_getByName( &pTD, unoName.pData );
-    OSL_ENSURE( pTD, "### unknown exception type! leaving out destruction => leaking!!!" );
-    if (pTD)
-    {
-        ::uno_destructData( pExc, pTD, cpp_release );
-        ::typelib_typedescription_release( pTD );
-    }
-void raiseException( uno_Any * pUnoExc, uno_Mapping * pUno2Cpp )
-    OString cstr(
-        OUStringToOString(
-            *reinterpret_cast< OUString const * >( &pUnoExc->pType->pTypeName ),
-    fprintf( stderr, "> uno exception occured: %s\n", cstr.getStr() );
-    void * pCppExc;
-    type_info * rtti;
-    {
-    // construct cpp exception object
-    typelib_TypeDescription * pTypeDescr = 0;
-    TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pTypeDescr, pUnoExc->pType );
-    OSL_ASSERT( pTypeDescr );
-    if (! pTypeDescr)
-    {
-        throw RuntimeException(
-            OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("cannot get typedescription for type ") ) +
-            *reinterpret_cast< OUString const * >( &pUnoExc->pType->pTypeName ),
-            Reference< XInterface >() );
-    }
-    pCppExc = __cxa_allocate_exception( pTypeDescr->nSize );
-    ::uno_copyAndConvertData( pCppExc, pUnoExc->pData, pTypeDescr, pUno2Cpp );
-    // destruct uno exception
-    ::uno_any_destruct( pUnoExc, 0 );
-    // avoiding locked counts
-    static RTTI * s_rtti = 0;
-    if (! s_rtti)
-    {
-        MutexGuard guard( Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
-        if (! s_rtti)
-        {
-            s_rtti = new RTTI();
-            static RTTI rtti_data;
-            s_rtti = &rtti_data;
-        }
-    }
-    rtti = (type_info *)s_rtti->getRTTI( (typelib_CompoundTypeDescription *) pTypeDescr );
-    OSL_ENSURE( rtti, "### no rtti for throwing exception!" );
-    if (! rtti)
-    {
-        throw RuntimeException(
-            OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("no rtti for type ") ) +
-            *reinterpret_cast< OUString const * >( &pUnoExc->pType->pTypeName ),
-            Reference< XInterface >() );
-    }
-    }
-    __cxa_throw( pCppExc, rtti, deleteException );
-void fillUnoException( __cxa_exception * header, uno_Any * pUnoExc, uno_Mapping * pCpp2Uno )
-    if (! header)
-    {
-        RuntimeException aRE(
-            OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("no exception header!") ),
-            Reference< XInterface >() );
-        Type const & rType = ::getCppuType( &aRE );
-        uno_type_any_constructAndConvert( pUnoExc, &aRE, rType.getTypeLibType(), pCpp2Uno );
-        OString cstr( OUStringToOString( aRE.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
-        OSL_ENSURE( 0, cstr.getStr() );
-        return;
-    }
-    typelib_TypeDescription * pExcTypeDescr = 0;
-    OUString unoName( toUNOname( header->exceptionType->name() ) );
-    OString cstr_unoName( OUStringToOString( unoName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
-    fprintf( stderr, "> c++ exception occured: %s\n", cstr_unoName.getStr() );
-    typelib_typedescription_getByName( &pExcTypeDescr, unoName.pData );
-    if (0 == pExcTypeDescr)
-    {
-        RuntimeException aRE(
-            OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("exception type not found: ") ) + unoName,
-            Reference< XInterface >() );
-        Type const & rType = ::getCppuType( &aRE );
-        uno_type_any_constructAndConvert( pUnoExc, &aRE, rType.getTypeLibType(), pCpp2Uno );
-        OString cstr( OUStringToOString( aRE.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
-        OSL_ENSURE( 0, cstr.getStr() );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // construct uno exception any
-        uno_any_constructAndConvert( pUnoExc, header->adjustedPtr, pExcTypeDescr, pCpp2Uno );
-        typelib_typedescription_release( pExcTypeDescr );
-    }
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/makefile.mk b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/makefile.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 87ff690..0000000
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/makefile.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-# OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-# This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
-# OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
-# <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
-# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-# --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
-.INCLUDE :  settings.mk
-# --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
-.IF "$(cppu_no_leak)" == ""
-# In case someone enabled the non-standard -fomit-frame-pointer which does not
-# work with the .cxx sources in this directory:
-CFLAGSCXX += -fno-omit-frame-pointer
-    $(SLO)$/except.obj		\
-    $(SLO)$/cpp2uno.obj		\
-    $(SLO)$/uno2cpp.obj \
-    $(SLO)$/call.obj
-SHL1LIBS = $(SLB)$/cpp_uno_shared.lib
-    $(CPPULIB)			\
-    $(SALLIB)
-# --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------
-.INCLUDE :  target.mk
-$(SLO)$/%.obj: %.s
-    $(CC) -c -o $(SLO)$/$(@:b).o $<
-    touch $@
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/share.hxx b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/share.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index e4a6b37..0000000
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/share.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- *
- * 
- * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
- *
- * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
- * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
- * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
- * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
- * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-#include "uno/mapping.h"
-#include <typeinfo>
-#include <exception>
-#include <cstddef>
-void dummy_can_throw_anything( char const * );
-// ----- following decl from libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/unwind-cxx.h and unwind.h
-struct _Unwind_Exception
-    unsigned exception_class __attribute__((__mode__(__DI__)));
-    void * exception_cleanup;
-    unsigned private_1 __attribute__((__mode__(__word__)));
-    unsigned private_2 __attribute__((__mode__(__word__)));
-} __attribute__((__aligned__));
-struct __cxa_exception
-    ::std::type_info *exceptionType;
-    void (*exceptionDestructor)(void *); 
-    ::std::unexpected_handler unexpectedHandler;
-    ::std::terminate_handler terminateHandler;
-    __cxa_exception *nextException;
-    int handlerCount;
-    int handlerSwitchValue;
-    const unsigned char *actionRecord;
-    const unsigned char *languageSpecificData;
-    void *catchTemp;
-    void *adjustedPtr;
-    _Unwind_Exception unwindHeader;
-extern "C" void *__cxa_allocate_exception(
-    std::size_t thrown_size ) throw();
-extern "C" void __cxa_throw (
-    void *thrown_exception, std::type_info *tinfo, void (*dest) (void *) ) __attribute__((noreturn));
-struct __cxa_eh_globals
-    __cxa_exception *caughtExceptions;
-    unsigned int uncaughtExceptions;
-extern "C" __cxa_eh_globals *__cxa_get_globals () throw();
-// -----
-void raiseException(
-    uno_Any * pUnoExc, uno_Mapping * pUno2Cpp );
-void fillUnoException(
-    __cxa_exception * header, uno_Any *, uno_Mapping * pCpp2Uno );
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/uno2cpp.cxx b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/uno2cpp.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ab09df..0000000
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_intel/uno2cpp.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- *
- * 
- * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
- *
- * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
- * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
- * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
- * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
- * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
-#include "precompiled_bridges.hxx"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <com/sun/star/uno/genfunc.hxx>
-#include "com/sun/star/uno/RuntimeException.hpp"
-#include <uno/data.h>
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/bridge.hxx"
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/types.hxx"
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/unointerfaceproxy.hxx"
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/vtables.hxx"
-#include "share.hxx"
-using namespace ::rtl;
-using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
-// The call instruction within the asm section of callVirtualMethod may throw
-// exceptions.  So that the compiler handles this correctly, it is important
-// that (a) callVirtualMethod might call dummy_can_throw_anything (although this
-// never happens at runtime), which in turn can throw exceptions, and (b)
-// callVirtualMethod is not inlined at its call site (so that any exceptions are
-// caught which are thrown from the instruction calling callVirtualMethod):
-void callVirtualMethod(
-    void * pAdjustedThisPtr,
-    sal_Int32 nVtableIndex,
-    void * pRegisterReturn,
-    typelib_TypeClass eReturnType,
-    sal_Int32 * pStackLongs,
-    sal_Int32 nStackLongs ) __attribute__((noinline));
-void callVirtualMethod(
-    void * pAdjustedThisPtr,
-    sal_Int32 nVtableIndex,
-    void * pRegisterReturn,
-    typelib_TypeClass eReturnType,
-    sal_Int32 * pStackLongs,
-    sal_Int32 nStackLongs )
-    // parameter list is mixed list of * and values
-    // reference parameters are pointers
-    OSL_ENSURE( pStackLongs && pAdjustedThisPtr, "### null ptr!" );
-    OSL_ENSURE( (sizeof(void *) == 4) && (sizeof(sal_Int32) == 4), "### unexpected size of int!" );
-    OSL_ENSURE( nStackLongs && pStackLongs, "### no stack in callVirtualMethod !" );
-    // never called
-    if (! pAdjustedThisPtr) CPPU_CURRENT_NAMESPACE::dummy_can_throw_anything("xxx"); // address something
-    volatile long edx = 0, eax = 0; // for register returns
-    void * stackptr;
-    asm volatile (
-        "mov   %%esp, %6\n\t"
-        // copy values
-        "mov   %0, %%eax\n\t"
-        "mov   %%eax, %%edx\n\t"
-        "dec   %%edx\n\t"
-        "shl   $2, %%edx\n\t"
-        "add   %1, %%edx\n"
-        "Lcopy:\n\t"
-        "pushl 0(%%edx)\n\t"
-        "sub   $4, %%edx\n\t"
-        "dec   %%eax\n\t"
-        "jne   Lcopy\n\t"
-        // do the actual call
-        "mov   %2, %%edx\n\t"
-        "mov   0(%%edx), %%edx\n\t"
-        "mov   %3, %%eax\n\t"
-        "shl   $2, %%eax\n\t"
-        "add   %%eax, %%edx\n\t"
-        "mov   0(%%edx), %%edx\n\t"
-        "call  *%%edx\n\t"
-        // save return registers
-         "mov   %%eax, %4\n\t"
-         "mov   %%edx, %5\n\t"
-        // cleanup stack
-        "mov   %6, %%esp\n\t"
-        :
-        : "m"(nStackLongs), "m"(pStackLongs), "m"(pAdjustedThisPtr),
-          "m"(nVtableIndex), "m"(eax), "m"(edx), "m"(stackptr)
-        : "eax", "edx" );
-    switch( eReturnType )
-    {
-        case typelib_TypeClass_HYPER:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
-            ((long*)pRegisterReturn)[1] = edx;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_LONG:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_CHAR:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_ENUM:
-            ((long*)pRegisterReturn)[0] = eax;
-            break;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_SHORT:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
-            *(unsigned short*)pRegisterReturn = eax;
-            break;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_BOOLEAN:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_BYTE:
-            *(unsigned char*)pRegisterReturn = eax;
-            break;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_FLOAT:
-            asm ( "fstps %0" : : "m"(*(char *)pRegisterReturn) );
-            break;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_DOUBLE:
-            asm ( "fstpl %0\n\t" : : "m"(*(char *)pRegisterReturn) );
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-    }
-static void cpp_call(
-    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::UnoInterfaceProxy * pThis,
-    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableSlot aVtableSlot,
-    typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pReturnTypeRef,
-    sal_Int32 nParams, typelib_MethodParameter * pParams,
-    void * pUnoReturn, void * pUnoArgs[], uno_Any ** ppUnoExc )
-      // max space for: [complex ret ptr], values|ptr ...
-      char * pCppStack		=
-          (char *)alloca( sizeof(sal_Int32) + ((nParams+2) * sizeof(sal_Int64)) );
-      char * pCppStackStart	= pCppStack;
-    // return
-    typelib_TypeDescription * pReturnTypeDescr = 0;
-    TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pReturnTypeDescr, pReturnTypeRef );
-    OSL_ENSURE( pReturnTypeDescr, "### expected return type description!" );
-    void * pCppReturn = 0; // if != 0 && != pUnoReturn, needs reconversion
-    if (pReturnTypeDescr)
-    {
-        if (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType( pReturnTypeDescr ))
-        {
-            pCppReturn = pUnoReturn; // direct way for simple types
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // complex return via ptr
-            pCppReturn = *(void **)pCppStack
-                = (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType(
-                       pReturnTypeDescr )
-                   ? alloca( pReturnTypeDescr->nSize )
-                   : pUnoReturn); // direct way
-            pCppStack += sizeof(void *);
-        }
-    }
-    // push this
-    void * pAdjustedThisPtr = reinterpret_cast< void ** >(pThis->getCppI())
-        + aVtableSlot.offset;
-    *(void**)pCppStack = pAdjustedThisPtr;
-    pCppStack += sizeof( void* );
-    // stack space
-    OSL_ENSURE( sizeof(void *) == sizeof(sal_Int32), "### unexpected size!" );
-    // args
-    void ** pCppArgs  = (void **)alloca( 3 * sizeof(void *) * nParams );
-    // indizes of values this have to be converted (interface conversion cpp<=>uno)
-    sal_Int32 * pTempIndizes = (sal_Int32 *)(pCppArgs + nParams);
-    // type descriptions for reconversions
-    typelib_TypeDescription ** ppTempParamTypeDescr = (typelib_TypeDescription **)(pCppArgs + (2 * nParams));
-    sal_Int32 nTempIndizes   = 0;
-    for ( sal_Int32 nPos = 0; nPos < nParams; ++nPos )
-    {
-        const typelib_MethodParameter & rParam = pParams[nPos];
-        typelib_TypeDescription * pParamTypeDescr = 0;
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pParamTypeDescr, rParam.pTypeRef );
-        if (!rParam.bOut
-            && bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType( pParamTypeDescr ))
-        {
-            uno_copyAndConvertData( pCppArgs[nPos] = pCppStack, pUnoArgs[nPos], pParamTypeDescr,
-                                    pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp() );
-            switch (pParamTypeDescr->eTypeClass)
-            {
-            case typelib_TypeClass_HYPER:
-            case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
-            case typelib_TypeClass_DOUBLE:
-                pCppStack += sizeof(sal_Int32); // extra long
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-            }
-            // no longer needed
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pParamTypeDescr );
-        }
-        else // ptr to complex value | ref
-        {
-            if (! rParam.bIn) // is pure out
-            {
-                // cpp out is constructed mem, uno out is not!
-                uno_constructData(
-                    *(void **)pCppStack = pCppArgs[nPos] = alloca( pParamTypeDescr->nSize ),
-                    pParamTypeDescr );
-                pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes] = nPos; // default constructed for cpp call
-                // will be released at reconversion
-                ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes++] = pParamTypeDescr;
-            }
-            // is in/inout
-            else if (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType(
-                         pParamTypeDescr ))
-            {
-                uno_copyAndConvertData(
-                    *(void **)pCppStack = pCppArgs[nPos] = alloca( pParamTypeDescr->nSize ),
-                    pUnoArgs[nPos], pParamTypeDescr,
-                    pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp() );
-                pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes] = nPos; // has to be reconverted
-                // will be released at reconversion
-                ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes++] = pParamTypeDescr;
-            }
-            else // direct way
-            {
-                *(void **)pCppStack = pCppArgs[nPos] = pUnoArgs[nPos];
-                // no longer needed
-                TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pParamTypeDescr );
-            }
-        }
-        pCppStack += sizeof(sal_Int32); // standard parameter length
-    }
-    try
-    {
-        OSL_ENSURE( !( (pCppStack - pCppStackStart ) & 3), "UNALIGNED STACK !!! (Please DO panic)" );
-        callVirtualMethod(
-            pAdjustedThisPtr, aVtableSlot.index,
-            pCppReturn, pReturnTypeDescr->eTypeClass,
-            (sal_Int32 *)pCppStackStart, (pCppStack - pCppStackStart) / sizeof(sal_Int32) );
-        // NO exception occured...
-        *ppUnoExc = 0;
-        // reconvert temporary params
-        for ( ; nTempIndizes--; )
-        {
-            sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes];
-            typelib_TypeDescription * pParamTypeDescr = ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes];
-            if (pParams[nIndex].bIn)
-            {
-                if (pParams[nIndex].bOut) // inout
-                {
-                    uno_destructData( pUnoArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr, 0 ); // destroy uno value
-                    uno_copyAndConvertData( pUnoArgs[nIndex], pCppArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr,
-                                            pThis->getBridge()->getCpp2Uno() );
-                }
-            }
-            else // pure out
-            {
-                uno_copyAndConvertData( pUnoArgs[nIndex], pCppArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr,
-                                        pThis->getBridge()->getCpp2Uno() );
-            }
-            // destroy temp cpp param => cpp: every param was constructed
-            uno_destructData( pCppArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr, cpp_release );
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pParamTypeDescr );
-        }
-        // return value
-        if (pCppReturn && pUnoReturn != pCppReturn)
-        {
-            uno_copyAndConvertData( pUnoReturn, pCppReturn, pReturnTypeDescr,
-                                    pThis->getBridge()->getCpp2Uno() );
-            uno_destructData( pCppReturn, pReturnTypeDescr, cpp_release );
-        }
-    }
-     catch (...)
-     {
-          // fill uno exception
-        fillUnoException( CPPU_CURRENT_NAMESPACE::__cxa_get_globals()->caughtExceptions, *ppUnoExc, pThis->getBridge()->getCpp2Uno() );
-        // temporary params
-        for ( ; nTempIndizes--; )
-        {
-            sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes];
-            // destroy temp cpp param => cpp: every param was constructed
-            uno_destructData( pCppArgs[nIndex], ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes], cpp_release );
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes] );
-        }
-        // return type
-        if (pReturnTypeDescr)
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pReturnTypeDescr );
-    }
-namespace bridges { namespace cpp_uno { namespace shared {
-void unoInterfaceProxyDispatch(
-    uno_Interface * pUnoI, const typelib_TypeDescription * pMemberDescr,
-    void * pReturn, void * pArgs[], uno_Any ** ppException )
-    // is my surrogate
-    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::UnoInterfaceProxy * pThis
-        = static_cast< bridges::cpp_uno::shared::UnoInterfaceProxy * >(pUnoI);
-    switch (pMemberDescr->eTypeClass)
-    {
-    case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE:
-    {
-        VtableSlot aVtableSlot(
-            getVtableSlot(
-                reinterpret_cast<
-                    typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription const * >(
-                        pMemberDescr)));
-        if (pReturn)
-        {
-            // dependent dispatch
-            cpp_call(
-                pThis, aVtableSlot,
-                ((typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription *)pMemberDescr)->pAttributeTypeRef,
-                0, 0, // no params
-                pReturn, pArgs, ppException );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // is SET
-            typelib_MethodParameter aParam;
-            aParam.pTypeRef =
-                ((typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription *)pMemberDescr)->pAttributeTypeRef;
-            aParam.bIn		= sal_True;
-            aParam.bOut		= sal_False;
-            typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pReturnTypeRef = 0;
-            OUString aVoidName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("void") );
-            typelib_typedescriptionreference_new(
-                &pReturnTypeRef, typelib_TypeClass_VOID, aVoidName.pData );
-            // dependent dispatch
-            aVtableSlot.index += 1; // get, then set method
-            cpp_call(
-                pThis, aVtableSlot,
-                pReturnTypeRef,
-                1, &aParam,
-                pReturn, pArgs, ppException );
-            typelib_typedescriptionreference_release( pReturnTypeRef );
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_METHOD:
-    {
-        VtableSlot aVtableSlot(
-            getVtableSlot(
-                reinterpret_cast<
-                    typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription const * >(
-                        pMemberDescr)));
-        switch (aVtableSlot.index)
-        {
-            // standard calls
-        case 1: // acquire uno interface
-            (*pUnoI->acquire)( pUnoI );
-            *ppException = 0;
-            break;
-        case 2: // release uno interface
-            (*pUnoI->release)( pUnoI );
-            *ppException = 0;
-            break;
-        case 0: // queryInterface() opt
-        {
-            typelib_TypeDescription * pTD = 0;
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pTD, reinterpret_cast< Type * >( pArgs[0] )->getTypeLibType() );
-            if (pTD)
-            {
-                uno_Interface * pInterface = 0;
-                (*pThis->pBridge->getUnoEnv()->getRegisteredInterface)(
-                    pThis->pBridge->getUnoEnv(),
-                    (void **)&pInterface, pThis->oid.pData, (typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription *)pTD );
-                if (pInterface)
-                {
-                    ::uno_any_construct(
-                        reinterpret_cast< uno_Any * >( pReturn ),
-                        &pInterface, pTD, 0 );
-                    (*pInterface->release)( pInterface );
-                    TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pTD );
-                    *ppException = 0;
-                    break;
-                }
-                TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pTD );
-            }
-        } // else perform queryInterface()
-        default:
-            // dependent dispatch
-            cpp_call(
-                pThis, aVtableSlot,
-                ((typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription *)pMemberDescr)->pReturnTypeRef,
-                ((typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription *)pMemberDescr)->nParams,
-                ((typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription *)pMemberDescr)->pParams,
-                pReturn, pArgs, ppException );
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    default:
-    {
-        ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException aExc(
-            OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("illegal member type description!") ),
-            ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >() );
-        Type const & rExcType = ::getCppuType( &aExc );
-        // binary identical null reference
-        ::uno_type_any_construct( *ppException, &aExc, rExcType.getTypeLibType(), 0 );
-    }
-    }
-} } }
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/abi.cxx b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/abi.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 14b4eee..0000000
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/abi.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- *
- * 
- * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
- *
- * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
- * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
- * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
- * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
- * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
-#include "precompiled_bridges.hxx"
-// This is an implementation of the x86-64 ABI as described in 'System V
-// Application Binary Interface, AMD64 Architecture Processor Supplement'
-// (http://www.x86-64.org/documentation/abi-0.95.pdf)
-// The code in this file is a modification of src/x86/ffi64.c from libffi
-// (http://sources.redhat.com/libffi/) which is under the following license:
-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-   ffi.c - Copyright (c) 2002  Bo Thorsen <bo at suse.de>
-   x86-64 Foreign Function Interface 
-   Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-   a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-   ``Software''), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-   without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-   distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-   permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-   the following conditions:
-   The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
-   in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-   ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include <abi.hxx>
-#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
-using namespace x86_64;
-typedef struct
-    /* Registers for argument passing.  */
-    long gpr[MAX_GPR_REGS];
-    __int128_t sse[MAX_SSE_REGS];
-    /* Stack space for arguments.  */
-    char argspace[0];
-} stackLayout;
-/* Register class used for passing given 64bit part of the argument.
-   These represent classes as documented by the PS ABI, with the exception
-   of SSESF, SSEDF classes, that are basically SSE class, just gcc will
-   use SF or DFmode move instead of DImode to avoid reformating penalties.
-   Similary we play games with INTEGERSI_CLASS to use cheaper SImode moves
-   whenever possible (upper half does contain padding).
- */
-enum x86_64_reg_class
-    X86_64_NO_CLASS,
-    X86_64_INTEGER_CLASS,
-    X86_64_SSE_CLASS,
-    X86_64_SSESF_CLASS,
-    X86_64_SSEDF_CLASS,
-    X86_64_SSEUP_CLASS,
-    X86_64_X87_CLASS,
-    X86_64_X87UP_CLASS,
-    X86_64_MEMORY_CLASS
-#define MAX_CLASSES 4
-#define ALIGN(v, a) (((((size_t) (v))-1) | ((a)-1))+1)
-/* x86-64 register passing implementation.  See x86-64 ABI for details.  Goal
-   of this code is to classify each 8bytes of incoming argument by the register
-   class and assign registers accordingly.  */
-/* Return the union class of CLASS1 and CLASS2.
-   See the x86-64 PS ABI for details.  */
-static enum x86_64_reg_class
-merge_classes (enum x86_64_reg_class class1, enum x86_64_reg_class class2)
-    /* Rule #1: If both classes are equal, this is the resulting class.  */
-    if (class1 == class2)
-        return class1;
-    /* Rule #2: If one of the classes is NO_CLASS, the resulting class is
-       the other class.  */
-    if (class1 == X86_64_NO_CLASS)
-        return class2;
-    if (class2 == X86_64_NO_CLASS)
-        return class1;
-    /* Rule #3: If one of the classes is MEMORY, the result is MEMORY.  */
-    if (class1 == X86_64_MEMORY_CLASS || class2 == X86_64_MEMORY_CLASS)
-        return X86_64_MEMORY_CLASS;
-    /* Rule #4: If one of the classes is INTEGER, the result is INTEGER.  */
-    if ((class1 == X86_64_INTEGERSI_CLASS && class2 == X86_64_SSESF_CLASS)
-            || (class2 == X86_64_INTEGERSI_CLASS && class1 == X86_64_SSESF_CLASS))
-        return X86_64_INTEGERSI_CLASS;
-    if (class1 == X86_64_INTEGER_CLASS || class1 == X86_64_INTEGERSI_CLASS
-            || class2 == X86_64_INTEGER_CLASS || class2 == X86_64_INTEGERSI_CLASS)
-        return X86_64_INTEGER_CLASS;
-    /* Rule #5: If one of the classes is X87 or X87UP class, MEMORY is used.  */
-    if (class1 == X86_64_X87_CLASS || class1 == X86_64_X87UP_CLASS
-            || class2 == X86_64_X87_CLASS || class2 == X86_64_X87UP_CLASS)
-        return X86_64_MEMORY_CLASS;
-    /* Rule #6: Otherwise class SSE is used.  */
-    return X86_64_SSE_CLASS;
-/* Classify the argument of type TYPE and mode MODE.
-   CLASSES will be filled by the register class used to pass each word
-   of the operand.  The number of words is returned.  In case the parameter
-   should be passed in memory, 0 is returned. As a special case for zero
-   sized containers, classes[0] will be NO_CLASS and 1 is returned.
-   See the x86-64 PS ABI for details.
-static int
-classify_argument( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference *pTypeRef, enum x86_64_reg_class classes[], int &rByteOffset )
-    /* First, align to the right place.  */
-    rByteOffset = ALIGN( rByteOffset, pTypeRef->pType->nAlignment );
-    switch ( pTypeRef->eTypeClass )
-    {
-        case typelib_TypeClass_VOID:
-            classes[0] = X86_64_NO_CLASS;
-            return 1;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_CHAR:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_BOOLEAN:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_BYTE:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_SHORT:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_LONG:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_HYPER:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_ENUM:
-            if ( ( rByteOffset % 8 + pTypeRef->pType->nSize ) <= 4 )
-                classes[0] = X86_64_INTEGERSI_CLASS;
-            else
-                classes[0] = X86_64_INTEGER_CLASS;
-            return 1;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_FLOAT:
-            if ( ( rByteOffset % 8 ) == 0 )
-                classes[0] = X86_64_SSESF_CLASS;
-            else
-                classes[0] = X86_64_SSE_CLASS;
-            return 1;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_DOUBLE:
-            classes[0] = X86_64_SSEDF_CLASS;
-            return 1;
-        /*case LONGDOUBLE:
-            classes[0] = X86_64_X87_CLASS;
-            classes[1] = X86_64_X87UP_CLASS;
-            return 2;*/
-        case typelib_TypeClass_STRING:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_TYPE:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_ANY:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_TYPEDEF:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_UNION:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_ARRAY:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE:
-            return 0;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_STRUCT:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_EXCEPTION:
-            {
-                typelib_TypeDescription * pTypeDescr = 0;
-                TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pTypeDescr, pTypeRef );
-                const int UNITS_PER_WORD = 8;
-                int words = ( pTypeDescr->nSize + UNITS_PER_WORD - 1 ) / UNITS_PER_WORD;
-                enum x86_64_reg_class subclasses[MAX_CLASSES];
-                /* If the struct is larger than 16 bytes, pass it on the stack.  */
-                if ( pTypeDescr->nSize > 16 )
-                {
-                    TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pTypeDescr );
-                    return 0;
-                }
-                for ( int i = 0; i < words; i++ )
-                    classes[i] = X86_64_NO_CLASS;
-                const typelib_CompoundTypeDescription *pStruct = reinterpret_cast<const typelib_CompoundTypeDescription*>( pTypeDescr );
-                /* Merge the fields of structure.  */
-                for ( sal_Int32 nMember = 0; nMember < pStruct->nMembers; ++nMember )
-                {
-                    typelib_TypeDescriptionReference *pTypeInStruct = pStruct->ppTypeRefs[ nMember ];
-                    int num = classify_argument( pTypeInStruct, subclasses, rByteOffset );
-                    if ( num == 0 )
-                    {
-                        TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pTypeDescr );
-                        return 0;
-                    }
-                    for ( int i = 0; i < num; i++ )
-                    {
-                        int pos = rByteOffset / 8;
-                        classes[i + pos] = merge_classes( subclasses[i], classes[i + pos] );
-                    }
-                    if ( pTypeInStruct->eTypeClass != typelib_TypeClass_STRUCT )
-                        rByteOffset = pStruct->pMemberOffsets[ nMember ];
-                }
-                TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pTypeDescr );
-                /* Final merger cleanup.  */
-                for ( int i = 0; i < words; i++ )
-                {
-                    /* If one class is MEMORY, everything should be passed in
-                       memory.  */
-                    if ( classes[i] == X86_64_MEMORY_CLASS )
-                        return 0;
-                    /* The X86_64_SSEUP_CLASS should be always preceded by
-                       X86_64_SSE_CLASS.  */
-                    if ( classes[i] == X86_64_SSEUP_CLASS
-                            && ( i == 0 || classes[i - 1] != X86_64_SSE_CLASS ) )
-                        classes[i] = X86_64_SSE_CLASS;
-                    /*  X86_64_X87UP_CLASS should be preceded by X86_64_X87_CLASS.  */
-                    if ( classes[i] == X86_64_X87UP_CLASS
-                            && ( i == 0 || classes[i - 1] != X86_64_X87_CLASS ) )
-                        classes[i] = X86_64_SSE_CLASS;
-                }
-                return words;
-            }
-        default:
-            OSL_TRACE( "Unhandled case: pType->eTypeClass == %d\n", pTypeRef->eTypeClass );
-            OSL_ASSERT(0);
-    }
-    return 0; /* Never reached.  */
-/* Examine the argument and return set number of register required in each
-   class.  Return 0 iff parameter should be passed in memory.  */
-bool x86_64::examine_argument( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference *pTypeRef, bool bInReturn, int &nUsedGPR, int &nUsedSSE )
-    enum x86_64_reg_class classes[MAX_CLASSES];
-    int offset = 0;
-    int n;
-    n = classify_argument( pTypeRef, classes, offset );
-    if ( n == 0 )
-        return false;
-    nUsedGPR = 0;
-    nUsedSSE = 0;
-    for ( n--; n >= 0; n-- )
-        switch ( classes[n] )
-        {
-            case X86_64_INTEGER_CLASS:
-            case X86_64_INTEGERSI_CLASS:
-                nUsedGPR++;
-                break;
-            case X86_64_SSE_CLASS:
-            case X86_64_SSESF_CLASS:
-            case X86_64_SSEDF_CLASS:
-                nUsedSSE++;
-                break;
-            case X86_64_NO_CLASS:
-            case X86_64_SSEUP_CLASS:
-                break;
-            case X86_64_X87_CLASS:
-            case X86_64_X87UP_CLASS:
-                if ( !bInReturn )
-                    return false;
-                break;
-            default:
-            OSL_TRACE( "Unhandled case: classes[n] == %d\n", classes[n] );
-            OSL_ASSERT(0);
-        }
-    return true;
-bool x86_64::return_in_hidden_param( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference *pTypeRef )
-    int g, s;
-    return examine_argument( pTypeRef, true, g, s ) == 0;
-void x86_64::fill_struct( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference *pTypeRef, void * const *pGPR, void * const *pSSE, void *pStruct )
-    enum x86_64_reg_class classes[MAX_CLASSES];
-    int offset = 0;
-    int n;
-    n = classify_argument( pTypeRef, classes, offset );
-    sal_uInt64 *pStructAlign = reinterpret_cast<sal_uInt64 *>( pStruct );
-    for ( n--; n >= 0; n-- )
-        switch ( classes[n] )
-        {
-            case X86_64_INTEGER_CLASS:
-            case X86_64_INTEGERSI_CLASS:
-                *pStructAlign++ = *reinterpret_cast<sal_uInt64 *>( *pGPR++ );
-                break;
-            case X86_64_SSE_CLASS:
-            case X86_64_SSESF_CLASS:
-            case X86_64_SSEDF_CLASS:
-                *pStructAlign++ = *reinterpret_cast<sal_uInt64 *>( *pSSE++ );
-                break;
-        }
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/abi.hxx b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/abi.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c15276..0000000
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/abi.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- *
- * 
- * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
- *
- * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
- * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
- * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
- * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
- * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-#ifndef _BRIDGES_CPP_UNO_X86_64_ABI_HXX_
-#define _BRIDGES_CPP_UNO_X86_64_ABI_HXX_
-// This is an implementation of the x86-64 ABI as described in 'System V
-// Application Binary Interface, AMD64 Architecture Processor Supplement'
-// (http://www.x86-64.org/documentation/abi-0.95.pdf)
-#include <typelib/typedescription.hxx>
-namespace x86_64
-/* 6 general purpose registers are used for parameter passing */
-const sal_uInt32 MAX_GPR_REGS = 6;
-/* 8 SSE registers are used for parameter passing */
-const sal_uInt32 MAX_SSE_REGS = 8;
-/* Count number of required registers.
- Examine the argument and return set number of register required in each
- class.
- Return false iff parameter should be passed in memory.
-bool examine_argument( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference *pTypeRef, bool bInReturn, int &nUsedGPR, int &nUsedSSE );
-/** Does function that returns this type use a hidden parameter, or registers?
- The value can be returned either in a hidden 1st parameter (which is a
- pointer to a structure allocated by the caller), or in registers (rax, rdx
- for the integers, xmm0, xmm1 for the floating point numbers).
-bool return_in_hidden_param( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference *pTypeRef );
-void fill_struct( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference *pTypeRef, void * const *pGPR, void * const *pSSE, void *pStruct );
-} // namespace x86_64
-#endif // _BRIDGES_CPP_UNO_X86_64_ABI_HXX_
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/call.s b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/call.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 7362307..0000000
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/call.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-	.text
-	.align 2
-.globl privateSnippetExecutor
-	.type	privateSnippetExecutor, @function
-	pushq	%rbp
-	movq	%rsp, %rbp
-	subq	$160, %rsp
-	movq	%r10, -152(%rbp)		# Save (nVtableOffset << 32) + nFunctionIndex
-	movq	%rdi, -112(%rbp)		# Save GP registers
-	movq	%rsi, -104(%rbp)
-	movq	%rdx, -96(%rbp)
-	movq	%rcx, -88(%rbp)
-	movq	%r8 , -80(%rbp)
-	movq	%r9 , -72(%rbp)
-	movsd	%xmm0, -64(%rbp)		# Save FP registers
-	movsd	%xmm1, -56(%rbp)
-	movsd	%xmm2, -48(%rbp)
-	movsd	%xmm3, -40(%rbp)
-	movsd	%xmm4, -32(%rbp)
-	movsd	%xmm5, -24(%rbp)
-	movsd	%xmm6, -16(%rbp)
-	movsd	%xmm7, -8(%rbp)
-	leaq	-144(%rbp), %r9			# 6th param: sal_uInt64 * pRegisterReturn
-	leaq	16(%rbp), %r8			# 5rd param: void ** ovrflw
-	leaq	-64(%rbp), %rcx			# 4th param: void ** fpreg
-	leaq	-112(%rbp), %rdx		# 3rd param: void ** gpreg
-	movl	-148(%rbp), %esi		# 2nd param: sal_int32 nVtableOffset
-	movl	-152(%rbp), %edi		# 1st param: sal_int32 nFunctionIndex
-	call	cpp_vtable_call
-	cmp	$10, %rax					# typelib_TypeClass_FLOAT
-	je	.Lfloat
-	cmp	$11, %rax					# typelib_TypeClass_DOUBLE
-	je	.Lfloat
-	movq	-144(%rbp), %rax		# Return value (int case)
-	jmp	.Lfinish
-	movlpd	-144(%rbp), %xmm0		# Return value (float/double case)
-	leave
-	ret
-	.size	privateSnippetExecutor, .-privateSnippetExecutor
-	.section	.eh_frame,"a", at progbits
-	.long	.LECIE1-.LSCIE1
-	.long	0x0
-	.byte	0x1
-	.string	"zR"
-	.uleb128 0x1
-	.sleb128 -8
-	.byte	0x10
-	.uleb128 0x1
-	.byte	0x1b
-	.byte	0xc
-	.uleb128 0x7
-	.uleb128 0x8
-	.byte	0x90
-	.uleb128 0x1
-	.align 8
-	.long	.LEFDE1-.LASFDE1
-	.long	.LASFDE1-.Lframe1
-	.long	.LFB3-.
-	.long	.LFE3-.LFB3
-	.uleb128 0x0
-	.byte	0x4
-	.long	.LCFI0-.LFB3
-	.byte	0xe
-	.uleb128 0x10
-	.byte	0x86
-	.uleb128 0x2
-	.byte	0x4
-	.long	.LCFI1-.LCFI0
-	.byte	0xd
-	.uleb128 0x6
-	.align 8
-	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"", at progbits
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/cpp2uno.cxx b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/cpp2uno.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ef3397..0000000
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_freebsd_x86-64/cpp2uno.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,544 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- *
- * 
- * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
- *
- * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
- * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
- * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
- * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
- * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
-#include "precompiled_bridges.hxx"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <hash_map>
-#include <rtl/alloc.h>
-#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
-#include <com/sun/star/uno/genfunc.hxx>
-#include "com/sun/star/uno/RuntimeException.hpp"
-#include <uno/data.h>
-#include <typelib/typedescription.hxx>
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/bridge.hxx"
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/cppinterfaceproxy.hxx"
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/types.hxx"
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/vtablefactory.hxx"
-#include "abi.hxx"
-#include "share.hxx"
-using namespace ::osl;
-using namespace ::rtl;
-using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
-// Perform the UNO call
-// We must convert the paramaters stored in gpreg, fpreg and ovrflw to UNO
-// arguments and call pThis->getUnoI()->pDispatcher.
-// gpreg:  [ret *], this, [gpr params]
-// fpreg:  [fpr params]
-// ovrflw: [gpr or fpr params (properly aligned)]
-// [ret *] is present when we are returning a structure bigger than 16 bytes
-// Simple types are returned in rax, rdx (int), or xmm0, xmm1 (fp).
-// Similarly structures <= 16 bytes are in rax, rdx, xmm0, xmm1 as necessary.
-static typelib_TypeClass cpp2uno_call(
-    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy * pThis,
-    const typelib_TypeDescription * pMemberTypeDescr,
-    typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pReturnTypeRef, // 0 indicates void return
-    sal_Int32 nParams, typelib_MethodParameter * pParams,
-    void ** gpreg, void ** fpreg, void ** ovrflw,
-    sal_uInt64 * pRegisterReturn /* space for register return */ )
-    int nr_gpr = 0; //number of gpr registers used 
-    int nr_fpr = 0; //number of fpr regsiters used
-    // return
-    typelib_TypeDescription * pReturnTypeDescr = 0;
-    if (pReturnTypeRef)
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pReturnTypeDescr, pReturnTypeRef );
-    void * pUnoReturn = 0;
-    void * pCppReturn = 0; // complex return ptr: if != 0 && != pUnoReturn, reconversion need
-    if ( pReturnTypeDescr )
-    {
-        if ( x86_64::return_in_hidden_param( pReturnTypeRef ) )
-        {
-            pCppReturn = *gpreg++;
-            nr_gpr++;
-            pUnoReturn = ( bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType( pReturnTypeDescr )
-                           ? alloca( pReturnTypeDescr->nSize )
-                           : pCppReturn ); // direct way
-        }
-        else
-            pUnoReturn = pRegisterReturn; // direct way for simple types
-    }
-    // pop this
-    gpreg++; 
-    nr_gpr++;
-    // stack space
-    // parameters
-    void ** pUnoArgs = (void **)alloca( 4 * sizeof(void *) * nParams );
-    void ** pCppArgs = pUnoArgs + nParams;
-    // indizes of values this have to be converted (interface conversion cpp<=>uno)
-    sal_Int32 * pTempIndizes = (sal_Int32 *)(pUnoArgs + (2 * nParams));
-    // type descriptions for reconversions
-    typelib_TypeDescription ** ppTempParamTypeDescr = (typelib_TypeDescription **)(pUnoArgs + (3 * nParams));
-    sal_Int32 nTempIndizes = 0;
-    for ( sal_Int32 nPos = 0; nPos < nParams; ++nPos )
-    {
-        const typelib_MethodParameter & rParam = pParams[nPos];
-        typelib_TypeDescription * pParamTypeDescr = 0;
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pParamTypeDescr, rParam.pTypeRef );
-        int nUsedGPR = 0;
-        int nUsedSSE = 0;
-        bool bFitsRegisters = x86_64::examine_argument( rParam.pTypeRef, false, nUsedGPR, nUsedSSE );
-        if ( !rParam.bOut && bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType( pParamTypeDescr ) ) // value
-        {
-            // Simple types must fit exactly one register on x86_64
-            OSL_ASSERT( bFitsRegisters && ( ( nUsedSSE == 1 && nUsedGPR == 0 ) || ( nUsedSSE == 0 && nUsedGPR == 1 ) ) );
-            if ( nUsedSSE == 1 )
-            {
-                if ( nr_fpr < x86_64::MAX_SSE_REGS )
-                {
-                    pCppArgs[nPos] = pUnoArgs[nPos] = fpreg++;
-                    nr_fpr++;
-                }
-                else
-                    pCppArgs[nPos] = pUnoArgs[nPos] = ovrflw++;
-            }
-            else if ( nUsedGPR == 1 )
-            {
-                if ( nr_gpr < x86_64::MAX_GPR_REGS )
-                {
-                    pCppArgs[nPos] = pUnoArgs[nPos] = gpreg++;
-                    nr_gpr++;
-                }
-                else
-                    pCppArgs[nPos] = pUnoArgs[nPos] = ovrflw++;
-            }
-            // no longer needed
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pParamTypeDescr );
-        }
-        else // struct <= 16 bytes || ptr to complex value || ref
-        {
-            void *pCppStack;
-            char pTmpStruct[16];
-            if ( bFitsRegisters && !rParam.bOut &&
-                 ( pParamTypeDescr->eTypeClass == typelib_TypeClass_STRUCT ||
-                   pParamTypeDescr->eTypeClass == typelib_TypeClass_EXCEPTION ) )
-            {
-                if ( ( nr_gpr + nUsedGPR <= x86_64::MAX_GPR_REGS ) && ( nr_fpr + nUsedSSE <= x86_64::MAX_SSE_REGS ) )
-                {
-                    x86_64::fill_struct( rParam.pTypeRef, gpreg, fpreg, pTmpStruct );
-                    fprintf( stderr, "nUsedGPR == %d, nUsedSSE == %d, pTmpStruct[0] == 0x%x, pTmpStruct[1] == 0x%x, **gpreg == 0x%lx\n",
-                            nUsedGPR, nUsedSSE, pTmpStruct[0], pTmpStruct[1], *(sal_uInt64*)*gpreg );
-                    pCppArgs[nPos] = pCppStack = reinterpret_cast<void *>( pTmpStruct );
-                    gpreg += nUsedGPR;
-                    fpreg += nUsedSSE;
-                }
-                else
-                    pCppArgs[nPos] = pCppStack = *ovrflw++;
-            }
-            else if ( nr_gpr < x86_64::MAX_GPR_REGS )
-            { 
-                pCppArgs[nPos] = pCppStack = *gpreg++;
-                nr_gpr++;
-            }
-            else
-                pCppArgs[nPos] = pCppStack = *ovrflw++;
-            if (! rParam.bIn) // is pure out
-            {
-                // uno out is unconstructed mem!
-                pUnoArgs[nPos] = alloca( pParamTypeDescr->nSize );
-                pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes] = nPos;
-                // will be released at reconversion
-                ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes++] = pParamTypeDescr;
-            }
-            else if ( bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType( pParamTypeDescr ) ) // is in/inout
-            {
-                uno_copyAndConvertData( pUnoArgs[nPos] = alloca( pParamTypeDescr->nSize ),
-                                        pCppStack, pParamTypeDescr,
-                                        pThis->getBridge()->getCpp2Uno() );
-                pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes] = nPos; // has to be reconverted
-                // will be released at reconversion
-                ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes++] = pParamTypeDescr;
-            }
-            else // direct way
-            {
-                pUnoArgs[nPos] = pCppStack;
-                // no longer needed
-                TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pParamTypeDescr );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // ExceptionHolder
-    uno_Any aUnoExc; // Any will be constructed by callee
-    uno_Any * pUnoExc = &aUnoExc;
-    // invoke uno dispatch call
-    (*pThis->getUnoI()->pDispatcher)( pThis->getUnoI(), pMemberTypeDescr, pUnoReturn, pUnoArgs, &pUnoExc );
-    // in case an exception occured...
-    if ( pUnoExc )
-    {
-        // destruct temporary in/inout params
-        for ( ; nTempIndizes--; )
-        {
-            sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes];
-            if (pParams[nIndex].bIn) // is in/inout => was constructed
-                uno_destructData( pUnoArgs[nIndex], ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes], 0 );
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes] );
-        }
-        if (pReturnTypeDescr)
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pReturnTypeDescr );
-        CPPU_CURRENT_NAMESPACE::raiseException( &aUnoExc, pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp() ); // has to destruct the any
-        // is here for dummy
-        return typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-    }
-    else // else no exception occured...
-    {
-        // temporary params
-        for ( ; nTempIndizes--; )
-        {
-            sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes];
-            typelib_TypeDescription * pParamTypeDescr = ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes];
-            if ( pParams[nIndex].bOut ) // inout/out
-            {
-                // convert and assign
-                uno_destructData( pCppArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr, cpp_release );
-                uno_copyAndConvertData( pCppArgs[nIndex], pUnoArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr,
-                                        pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp() );
-            }
-            // destroy temp uno param
-            uno_destructData( pUnoArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr, 0 );
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pParamTypeDescr );
-        }
-        // return
-        if ( pCppReturn ) // has complex return
-        {
-            if ( pUnoReturn != pCppReturn ) // needs reconversion
-            {
-                uno_copyAndConvertData( pCppReturn, pUnoReturn, pReturnTypeDescr,
-                                        pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp() );
-                // destroy temp uno return
-                uno_destructData( pUnoReturn, pReturnTypeDescr, 0 );
-            }
-            // complex return ptr is set to return reg
-            *(void **)pRegisterReturn = pCppReturn;
-        }
-        if ( pReturnTypeDescr )
-        {
-            typelib_TypeClass eRet = (typelib_TypeClass)pReturnTypeDescr->eTypeClass;
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pReturnTypeDescr );
-            return eRet;
-        }
-        else
-            return typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-    }
-extern "C" typelib_TypeClass cpp_vtable_call(
-    sal_Int32 nFunctionIndex, sal_Int32 nVtableOffset,
-    void ** gpreg, void ** fpreg, void ** ovrflw,
-    sal_uInt64 * pRegisterReturn /* space for register return */ )
-    // gpreg:  [ret *], this, [other gpr params]
-    // fpreg:  [fpr params]
-    // ovrflw: [gpr or fpr params (properly aligned)]
-    void * pThis;
-    if ( nFunctionIndex & 0x80000000 )
-    {
-        nFunctionIndex &= 0x7fffffff;
-        pThis = gpreg[1];
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        pThis = gpreg[0];
-    }
-    pThis = static_cast<char *>( pThis ) - nVtableOffset;
-    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy * pCppI =
-        bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy::castInterfaceToProxy( pThis );
-    typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pTypeDescr = pCppI->getTypeDescr();
-    OSL_ENSURE( nFunctionIndex < pTypeDescr->nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex, "### illegal vtable index!\n" );
-    if ( nFunctionIndex >= pTypeDescr->nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex )
-    {
-        throw RuntimeException( OUString::createFromAscii("illegal vtable index!"),
-                                reinterpret_cast<XInterface *>( pCppI ) );
-    }
-    // determine called method
-    sal_Int32 nMemberPos = pTypeDescr->pMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex[nFunctionIndex];
-    OSL_ENSURE( nMemberPos < pTypeDescr->nAllMembers, "### illegal member index!\n" );
-    TypeDescription aMemberDescr( pTypeDescr->ppAllMembers[nMemberPos] );
-    typelib_TypeClass eRet;
-    switch ( aMemberDescr.get()->eTypeClass )
-    {
-        case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE:
-        {
-            typelib_TypeDescriptionReference *pAttrTypeRef = 
-                reinterpret_cast<typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription *>( aMemberDescr.get() )->pAttributeTypeRef;
-            if ( pTypeDescr->pMapMemberIndexToFunctionIndex[nMemberPos] == nFunctionIndex )
-            {
-                // is GET method
-                eRet = cpp2uno_call( pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(), pAttrTypeRef,
-                        0, 0, // no params
-                        gpreg, fpreg, ovrflw, pRegisterReturn );
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                // is SET method
-                typelib_MethodParameter aParam;
-                aParam.pTypeRef = pAttrTypeRef;
-                aParam.bIn		= sal_True;

... etc. - the rest is truncated

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