[Libreoffice-commits] .: binfilter/bf_sw

Caolán McNamara caolan at kemper.freedesktop.org
Sun Nov 28 07:04:55 PST 2010

 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3misc.cxx |  146 +++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 76 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 27aecc65d0eb67bb96e1e6acc87117e75f6e49f3
Author: Pierre-André Jacquod <pjacquod at alumni.ethz.ch>
Date:   Fri Nov 26 22:44:38 2010 +0100

    binfilter sw3io - further shadowing warnings

diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3misc.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3misc.cxx
index 590ec5e..eee1c13 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3misc.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3misc.cxx
@@ -1041,9 +1041,9 @@ extern sal_Bool lcl_sw3io_isTOXHeaderSection( const SwStartNode& rSttNd );
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		OpenRec( SWG_TOXDESC );
 /*N*/ 		String aTypeName, aTitle;
-/*N*/ 		sal_uInt16 nStrIdx = IDX_NO_VALUE;
+/*N*/ 		sal_uInt16 nStrIdx0 = IDX_NO_VALUE;
 /*N*/ 		if( IsVersion( SWG_LONGIDX ) )
-/*N*/ 			*pStrm >> nStrIdx;
+/*N*/ 			*pStrm >> nStrIdx0;
 /*N*/ 		else
 /*N*/ 			InString( *pStrm, aTypeName );
@@ -1064,8 +1064,8 @@ extern sal_Bool lcl_sw3io_isTOXHeaderSection( const SwStartNode& rSttNd );
 /*N*/ 		// Wenn keine Name da ist, dann handelt es sich um
 /*N*/ 		// das Standard-Verzeichnis des entsprechenden Typs. Der
 /*N*/ 		// (internationalisierte) Name wird dann gesetzt.
-/*N*/ 		if( IDX_NO_VALUE != nStrIdx )
-/*?*/ 			aTypeName = aStringPool.Find( nStrIdx );
+/*N*/ 		if( IDX_NO_VALUE != nStrIdx0 )
+/*?*/ 			aTypeName = aStringPool.Find( nStrIdx0 );
 /*N*/ 		else if( !aTypeName.Len() )
 /*N*/ 			aTypeName = SwTOXBase::GetTOXName( eTOXType );
@@ -1121,11 +1121,11 @@ extern sal_Bool lcl_sw3io_isTOXHeaderSection( const SwStartNode& rSttNd );
 /*N*/ 		*pStrm >> nTmpl;
 /*N*/ 		for( i = 0; Good() && i < nTmpl; i++ )
 /*N*/ 		{
-/*N*/ 			sal_uInt16 nStrIdx;
-/*N*/ 			*pStrm >> nStrIdx;
+/*N*/ 			sal_uInt16 nStrIdx1;
+/*N*/ 			*pStrm >> nStrIdx1;
 /*N*/ 			if( i < aForm.GetFormMax() )
 /*N*/ 			{
-/*N*/ 				String sNm( aStringPool.Find( nStrIdx ) );
+/*N*/ 				String sNm( aStringPool.Find( nStrIdx1 ) );
 /*N*/ 				if( !sNm.Len() )
 /*N*/ 				{
 /*N*/ 					// Bug 37672: falls keiner gefunden wird, nehme
@@ -1395,6 +1395,8 @@ extern sal_Bool lcl_sw3io_isTOXHeaderSection( const SwStartNode& rSttNd );
 /*?*/ 					case TOX_TABLES:
 /*?*/ 						nPoolId = RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL_TABLE;
 /*?*/ 						break;
+                        default:
+                            break;
 /*N*/ 					}
 /*N*/ 					String aName;
 /*N*/ 					SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName( nPoolId, aName );
@@ -1443,23 +1445,23 @@ extern void lcl_sw3io_FillSetExpFieldName( Sw3IoImp& rIo, sal_uInt16 nStrId,
 /*N*/ 		sal_uInt8 cFlags = OpenFlagRec();
-/*N*/ 		sal_uInt16 nType, nCreateType, nCaptionDisplay, nStrIdx, nSeqStrIdx, nData;
+/*N*/ 		sal_uInt16 nType0, nCreateType, nCaptionDisplay, nStrIdx0, nSeqStrIdx, nData;
 /*N*/ 		sal_uInt16 nOLEOptions = 0;
 /*N*/ 		sal_uInt8 cFormFlags;
-/*N*/ 		String aTitle, aName, aDummy;
+/*N*/ 		String aTitle, aName0, aDummy;
-/*N*/ 		*pStrm  >> nType
+/*N*/ 		*pStrm  >> nType0
 /*N*/ 				>> nCreateType
 /*N*/ 				>> nCaptionDisplay
-/*N*/ 				>> nStrIdx
+/*N*/ 				>> nStrIdx0
 /*N*/ 				>> nSeqStrIdx
 /*N*/ 				>> nData
 /*N*/ 				>> cFormFlags;
 /*N*/ 		CloseFlagRec();
 /*N*/ 		sal_uInt16 nMainStyleIdx = IDX_NO_VALUE;
-/*N*/ 		InString( *pStrm, aName );
+/*N*/ 		InString( *pStrm, aName0 );
 /*N*/ 		InString( *pStrm, aTitle );
 /*N*/ 		if( nVersion < SWG_NEWTOX2 )
 /*N*/ 			InString( *pStrm, aDummy );		// was AutoMarkURL
@@ -1469,10 +1471,10 @@ extern void lcl_sw3io_FillSetExpFieldName( Sw3IoImp& rIo, sal_uInt16 nStrId,
 /*N*/ 					>> nMainStyleIdx;
 /*N*/ 		}
-/*N*/ 		TOXTypes eTOXType = (TOXTypes)nType;
+/*N*/ 		TOXTypes eTOXType = (TOXTypes)nType0;
 /*N*/ 		String aTypeName;
-/*N*/ 		if( IDX_NO_VALUE != nStrIdx )
-/*?*/ 			aTypeName = aStringPool.Find( nStrIdx );
+/*N*/ 		if( IDX_NO_VALUE != nStrIdx0 )
+/*?*/ 			aTypeName = aStringPool.Find( nStrIdx0 );
 /*N*/ 		else
 /*N*/ 			aTypeName = SwTOXBase::GetTOXName( eTOXType );
@@ -1525,24 +1527,24 @@ extern void lcl_sw3io_FillSetExpFieldName( Sw3IoImp& rIo, sal_uInt16 nStrId,
 /*N*/ 				{
 /*N*/ 					OpenRec( SWG_FORMTOKEN_LCL );
-/*N*/ 					sal_uInt16 nType, nStrIdx;
+/*N*/ 					sal_uInt16 nType1, nStrIdx1;
 /*N*/ 					OpenFlagRec();
-/*N*/ 					*pStrm	>> nType
-/*N*/ 							>> nStrIdx;
+/*N*/ 					*pStrm	>> nType1
+/*N*/ 							>> nStrIdx1;
 /*N*/ 					CloseFlagRec();
-/*N*/ 					if( nType < TOKEN_END )
+/*N*/ 					if( nType1 < TOKEN_END )
 /*N*/ 					{
 /*N*/                         //#92986# some older versions created a
 /*N*/                         //wrong content index entry definition
-/*N*/                         if(TOKEN_ENTRY == nType && eTOXType == TOX_CONTENT)
-/*N*/                             nType = TOKEN_ENTRY_TEXT;
-/*N*/                         SwFormToken aToken( (FormTokenType)nType );
-/*N*/ 						if( IDX_NO_VALUE != nStrIdx )
+/*N*/                         if(TOKEN_ENTRY == nType1 && eTOXType == TOX_CONTENT)
+/*N*/                             nType1 = TOKEN_ENTRY_TEXT;
+/*N*/                         SwFormToken aToken( (FormTokenType)nType1 );
+/*N*/ 						if( IDX_NO_VALUE != nStrIdx1 )
 /*N*/ 						{
-/*?*/ 							aToken.sCharStyleName = aStringPool.Find( nStrIdx );
-/*?*/ 							aToken.nPoolId = aStringPool.FindPoolId( nStrIdx );
+/*?*/ 							aToken.sCharStyleName = aStringPool.Find( nStrIdx1 );
+/*?*/ 							aToken.nPoolId = aStringPool.FindPoolId( nStrIdx1 );
 /*N*/ 						}
 /*N*/ 						switch( aToken.eTokenType )
 /*N*/ 						{
@@ -1581,6 +1583,8 @@ extern void lcl_sw3io_FillSetExpFieldName( Sw3IoImp& rIo, sal_uInt16 nStrId,
 /*?*/ 								aToken.nAuthorityField = nAuthorityField;
 /*?*/ 							}
 /*?*/ 							break;
+                            default:
+                                break;
 /*N*/ 						}
 /*N*/ 						aPattern += aToken.GetString();
@@ -1603,11 +1607,11 @@ extern void lcl_sw3io_FillSetExpFieldName( Sw3IoImp& rIo, sal_uInt16 nStrId,
 /*N*/ 		*pStrm >> nTemplates;
 /*N*/ 		for( i = 0; Good() && i < nTemplates; i++ )
 /*N*/ 		{
-/*N*/ 			sal_uInt16 nStrIdx;
-/*N*/ 			*pStrm >> nStrIdx;
+/*N*/ 			sal_uInt16 nStrIdx2;
+/*N*/ 			*pStrm >> nStrIdx2;
 /*N*/ 			if( i < aForm.GetFormMax() )
 /*N*/ 			{
-/*N*/ 				String sNm( aStringPool.Find( nStrIdx ) );
+/*N*/ 				String sNm( aStringPool.Find( nStrIdx2 ) );
 /*N*/ 				ASSERT( sNm.Len(), "Template name not found" );
 /*N*/ 				if( !sNm.Len() )
 /*N*/ 				{
@@ -1665,7 +1669,7 @@ extern void lcl_sw3io_FillSetExpFieldName( Sw3IoImp& rIo, sal_uInt16 nStrId,
 /*N*/ 		Sw3TOXBase *pTOX = new Sw3TOXBase( pTOXType, aForm, nCreateType,
 /*N*/ 										   aTitle );
-/*N*/ 		pTOX->SetTOXName( aName );
+/*N*/ 		pTOX->SetTOXName( aName0 );
 /*N*/ 		pTOX->SetCaptionDisplay( (SwCaptionDisplay)nCaptionDisplay );
 /*N*/ 		pTOX->SetOLEOptions( nOLEOptions );
@@ -1703,15 +1707,15 @@ extern void lcl_sw3io_FillSetExpFieldName( Sw3IoImp& rIo, sal_uInt16 nStrId,
 /*?*/ 			String aStyleNames;
 /*?*/ 			for( sal_uInt16 j=0; j<nCount; j++ )
 /*?*/ 			{
-/*?*/ 				String aName;
-/*?*/ 				*pStrm >> nStrIdx;
-/*?*/ 				if( IDX_NO_VALUE != nStrIdx )
+/*?*/ 				String aName1;
+/*?*/ 				*pStrm >> nStrIdx0;
+/*?*/ 				if( IDX_NO_VALUE != nStrIdx0 )
 /*?*/ 				{
-/*?*/ 					aName = aStringPool.Find( nStrIdx );
+/*?*/ 					aName1 = aStringPool.Find( nStrIdx0 );
 /*?*/ 					if( aStyleNames.Len() )
 /*?*/ 						aStyleNames += TOX_STYLE_DELIMITER;
-/*?*/ 					aStyleNames += aName;
+/*?*/ 					aStyleNames += aName1;
 /*?*/ 				}
 /*?*/ 			}
 /*?*/ 			if( nLevel < aForm.GetFormMax() )
@@ -1723,9 +1727,9 @@ extern void lcl_sw3io_FillSetExpFieldName( Sw3IoImp& rIo, sal_uInt16 nStrId,
 /*N*/ 		// #37672#: every user index must have a style name.
 /*N*/ 		if( TOX_USER == eTOXType && !pTOX->GetStyleNames(0).Len() )
 /*N*/ 		{
-/*N*/ 			String aName = *SwStyleNameMapper::GetExtraUINameArray()[ RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL_ABB
+/*N*/ 			String aName2 = *SwStyleNameMapper::GetExtraUINameArray()[ RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL_ABB
 /*N*/ 											- RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_BEGIN ];
-/*?*/ 			pTOX->SetStyleNames( aName, 0 );
+/*?*/ 			pTOX->SetStyleNames( aName2, 0 );
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 		cFlags = OpenFlagRec();
@@ -1836,7 +1840,7 @@ extern sal_uInt16 lcl_sw3io_GetSetExpFieldPoolId( const String& rName );
 /*N*/ 		// If it is one of the predefined indexes, its name isn't exported.
 /*N*/ 		// This way, the index is found in foreign version, too.
 /*N*/ 		const String& rTypeName = pType->GetTypeName();
-/*N*/ 		sal_uInt16 nStrIdx = rTypeName != SwTOXBase::GetTOXName(eType)
+/*N*/ 		sal_uInt16 nStrIdx0 = rTypeName != SwTOXBase::GetTOXName(eType)
 /*N*/ 				? aStringPool.Find( rTypeName, USHRT_MAX )
 /*N*/ 				: IDX_NO_VALUE;
@@ -1851,7 +1855,7 @@ extern sal_uInt16 lcl_sw3io_GetSetExpFieldPoolId( const String& rName );
 /*N*/ 				<< (sal_uInt16)  eType
 /*N*/ 				<< (sal_uInt16)  pTOXBaseSect->GetCreateType()
 /*N*/ 				<< (sal_uInt16)  pTOXBaseSect->GetCaptionDisplay()
-/*N*/ 				<< nStrIdx
+/*N*/ 				<< nStrIdx0
 /*N*/ 				<< nSeqStrIdx
 /*N*/ 				<< nData
 /*N*/ 				<< cFormFlags;
@@ -1899,13 +1903,13 @@ extern sal_uInt16 lcl_sw3io_GetSetExpFieldPoolId( const String& rName );
 /*N*/ 					SwFormToken aToken( aEnum.GetNextToken() );
 /*N*/ 					OpenRec( SWG_FORMTOKEN_LCL );
-/*N*/ 					sal_uInt16 nStrIdx = IDX_NO_VALUE;
+/*N*/ 					sal_uInt16 nStrIdx1 = IDX_NO_VALUE;
 /*N*/ 					if( aToken.sCharStyleName.Len() )
-/*N*/ 						nStrIdx = aStringPool.Find( aToken.sCharStyleName,
+/*N*/ 						nStrIdx1 = aStringPool.Find( aToken.sCharStyleName,
 /*N*/ 													aToken.nPoolId );
 /*N*/ 					*pStrm	<< (sal_uInt8)0x04
 /*N*/ 							<< (sal_uInt16)aToken.eTokenType
-/*N*/ 							<< nStrIdx;
+/*N*/ 							<< nStrIdx1;
 /*N*/ 					switch( aToken.eTokenType )
 /*N*/ 					{
 /*N*/ 					case TOKEN_TAB_STOP:
@@ -1922,6 +1926,8 @@ extern sal_uInt16 lcl_sw3io_GetSetExpFieldPoolId( const String& rName );
 /*?*/ 					case TOKEN_AUTHORITY:
 /*?*/ 						*pStrm  << (sal_uInt16)aToken.nAuthorityField;
 /*?*/ 						break;
+                        default:
+                            break;
 /*N*/ 					}
 /*N*/ 					CloseRec( SWG_FORMTOKEN_LCL );
@@ -1985,7 +1991,7 @@ extern sal_uInt16 lcl_sw3io_GetSetExpFieldPoolId( const String& rName );
 /*?*/ 					String aName =
 /*?*/ 						rStyleNames.GetToken( 0, TOX_STYLE_DELIMITER, nStrPos );
 /*?*/ 					ASSERT( aName.Len(), "empty style name" );
-/*?*/ 					sal_uInt16 nStrIdx = IDX_NO_VALUE;
+/*?*/ 					sal_uInt16 nStrIdx2 = IDX_NO_VALUE;
 /*?*/ 					if( aName.Len() )
 /*?*/ 					{
 /*?*/ 						const SwTxtFmtColl *pColl =
@@ -1993,10 +1999,10 @@ extern sal_uInt16 lcl_sw3io_GetSetExpFieldPoolId( const String& rName );
 /*?*/ 						sal_uInt16 nPoolId = pColl
 /*?*/ 							? pColl->GetPoolFmtId()
 /*?*/ 							: SwStyleNameMapper::GetPoolIdFromUIName( aName, GET_POOLID_TXTCOLL );
-/*?*/ 						nStrIdx = aStringPool.Find( aName, nPoolId );
+/*?*/ 						nStrIdx2 = aStringPool.Find( aName, nPoolId );
 /*?*/ 					}
-/*N*/ 					*pStrm	<< nStrIdx;
+/*N*/ 					*pStrm	<< nStrIdx2;
 /*N*/ 				}
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 		}
@@ -2184,15 +2190,15 @@ extern sal_uInt16 lcl_sw3io_GetSetExpFieldPoolId( const String& rName );
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	ByteString sStr8;
 /*N*/ 	String	sStr, sSQL;
-/*N*/ 	SwDBData aData;
+/*N*/ 	SwDBData aData3;
 /*N*/ 	OpenRec( SWG_DBNAME );
 /*N*/ 	// MIB 9.4.97: Die Datenbanknamen koennen 0xff enthalten und muessen
 /*N*/ 	// deshalb von Hand konvertiert werden.
 /*N*/ 	pStrm->ReadByteString( sStr8 );
 /*N*/ 	sStr = ConvertStringNoDbDelim( sStr8,  eSrcSet );
-/*N*/ 	aData.sDataSource = sStr.GetToken(0, DB_DELIM);
-/*N*/ 	aData.sCommand = sStr.GetToken(1, DB_DELIM);
+/*N*/ 	aData3.sDataSource = sStr.GetToken(0, DB_DELIM);
+/*N*/ 	aData3.sCommand = sStr.GetToken(1, DB_DELIM);
 /*N*/ 	if( IsVersion( SWG_NONUMLEVEL, SWG_DESKTOP40 ) )
 /*N*/ 	{
@@ -2215,7 +2221,7 @@ extern sal_uInt16 lcl_sw3io_GetSetExpFieldPoolId( const String& rName );
 /*?*/ 		}
 /*?*/ 		else if( nVersion >= SWG_DBTABLE )
 /*?*/ 		{
-/*?*/ 			aData.sCommand = aTableName;
+/*?*/ 			aData3.sCommand = aTableName;
 /*?*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 	}
@@ -2231,8 +2237,8 @@ extern sal_uInt16 lcl_sw3io_GetSetExpFieldPoolId( const String& rName );
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		if( sSQL.Len() && nVersion >= SWG_DBTABLE )
 /*N*/ 		{
-/*?*/ 			aData.sCommand = sSQL;
-/*?*/ 			aData.nCommandType = sdb::CommandType::COMMAND;
+/*?*/ 			aData3.sCommand = sSQL;
+/*?*/ 			aData3.nCommandType = sdb::CommandType::COMMAND;
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 		sal_uInt16 nCount;
@@ -2252,22 +2258,22 @@ extern sal_uInt16 lcl_sw3io_GetSetExpFieldPoolId( const String& rName );
 /*N*/ 					   >> nSelEnd;
 /*N*/ 				sDBName = ConvertStringNoDbDelim( sStr8, eSrcSet );
-/*N*/                 SwDBData aData;
-/*N*/                 aData.sDataSource = sDBName.GetToken(0, DB_DELIM);
-/*N*/                 aData.sCommand = sDBName.GetToken(1, DB_DELIM);
-/*N*/                 aData.nCommandType = -1;
-/*N*/                 rDBMgr.AddDSData(aData, nSelStart, nSelEnd );
+/*N*/                 SwDBData aData4;
+/*N*/                 aData4.sDataSource = sDBName.GetToken(0, DB_DELIM);
+/*N*/                 aData4.sCommand = sDBName.GetToken(1, DB_DELIM);
+/*N*/                 aData4.nCommandType = -1;
+/*N*/                 rDBMgr.AddDSData(aData4, nSelStart, nSelEnd );
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	else
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		// sonst zumindest irgendeinen Namen setzen
-/*N*/ 		aData = pDoc->GetNewDBMgr()->GetAddressDBName();
+/*N*/ 		aData3 = pDoc->GetNewDBMgr()->GetAddressDBName();
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	CloseRec( SWG_DBNAME );
-/*N*/ 	pDoc->ChgDBData( aData );
+/*N*/ 	pDoc->ChgDBData( aData3 );
 /*N*/ }
 /*N*/ void Sw3IoImp::OutDBName()
@@ -2308,12 +2314,12 @@ extern sal_uInt16 lcl_sw3io_GetSetExpFieldPoolId( const String& rName );
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		// Die Datenbank-Beschreibung koennen wir im 4.0 FF auf einen Schlag
 /*N*/ 		// rausschreiben
-/*N*/ 		SwDBData aData = pDoc->_GetDBDesc();
-/*N*/ 		String sTmpDBName = aData.sDataSource;
+/*N*/ 		SwDBData aData1 = pDoc->_GetDBDesc();
+/*N*/ 		String sTmpDBName = aData1.sDataSource;
 /*N*/ 		sTmpDBName += DB_DELIM;
-/*N*/ 		sTmpDBName += (String)aData.sCommand;
-/*N*/ 		ByteString s8 = ConvertStringNoDbDelim( sTmpDBName, eSrcSet );
-/*N*/ 		pStrm->WriteByteString( s8 );
+/*N*/ 		sTmpDBName += (String)aData1.sCommand;
+/*N*/ 		ByteString s8a = ConvertStringNoDbDelim( sTmpDBName, eSrcSet );
+/*N*/ 		pStrm->WriteByteString( s8a  );
 /*N*/ 		// Datenbankname, SQL-Statement und aktuelle Selektion abspeichern
 /*N*/ 		long nSelStart, nSelEnd;
@@ -2324,14 +2330,14 @@ extern sal_uInt16 lcl_sw3io_GetSetExpFieldPoolId( const String& rName );
 /*N*/ 		for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			String sDesc(*aDBNameList.GetObject(i));
-/*N*/ 			ByteString s8 = ConvertStringNoDbDelim( sDesc, eSrcSet );
-/*N*/ 			pStrm->WriteByteString( s8 );
+/*N*/ 			ByteString s8b = ConvertStringNoDbDelim( sDesc, eSrcSet );
+/*N*/ 			pStrm->WriteByteString( s8b );
-/*N*/             SwDBData aData;
-/*N*/             aData.sDataSource = sDesc.GetToken(0, DB_DELIM);
-/*N*/             aData.sCommand = sDesc.GetToken(1, DB_DELIM);
-/*N*/             aData.nCommandType = -1;
-/*N*/             rDBMgr.GetDSSelection(aData, nSelStart, nSelEnd);
+/*N*/             SwDBData aData2;
+/*N*/             aData2.sDataSource = sDesc.GetToken(0, DB_DELIM);
+/*N*/             aData2.sCommand = sDesc.GetToken(1, DB_DELIM);
+/*N*/             aData2.nCommandType = -1;
+/*N*/             rDBMgr.GetDSSelection(aData2, nSelStart, nSelEnd);
 /*N*/ 			*pStrm << (sal_Int32)nSelStart
 /*N*/ 				   << (sal_Int32)nSelEnd;
@@ -2384,7 +2390,7 @@ extern sal_uInt16 lcl_sw3io_GetSetExpFieldPoolId( const String& rName );
 /*N*/ void Sw3IoImp::OutDocStat( sal_Bool bFirst )
 /*N*/ {
-/*N*/ 	sal_uInt32 nAktPos;
+/*N*/ 	sal_uInt32 nAktPos = 0;
 /*N*/ 	if( bFirst )
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		OpenRec( SWG_DOCSTAT );

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